
What’s your earliest childhood memo

2016年01月05日来源:考研考试 所有评论

【分析解答题】What’s your earliest childhood memory? Can you remember learning to walk? Or talk? The first time you 21 thunder or watched a television program? Adults seldom 22 events much earlier than the year or so before entering school, just as children younger than three of four 23 retain any specific, personal experiences. A variety of explanations have been 24 by psychologists for this “Childhood amnesia” (儿童失忆症). One argues that the hippocampus, the region of the brain which is responsible for forming memories, does not mature 25 about the age of two. But the most popular theory 26 that, since adults do not think like children, they cannot 27 childhood memories. Adults think in words, and their life memories are like stories or 28 –one event follows 29 as in a novel or film. But when they search through their mental 30 for early childhood memories to add to this verbal life story, they don’t find any that fits the 31 . It’s like trying to find a Chinese word in an English Dictionary.

Now psychologist Annette Simmons of the New York State University offers a new 32 for childhood amnesia. She argues that there simply 33 any early childhood memories to recall. According to Dr. Simms, children need to learn to use 34 spoken description of their personal experiences in order to turn their own short–term, quickly 35 impressions of them into long-term memories. In other 36 , children have to talk about their experiences and hear others talk about 37 ——Mother talking about the afternoon 38 looking for seashells at the beach or Dad asking them about their day at Ocean Park. Without this 39 reinforcement, says Dr. Simms, children cannot form 40 memories of their personal experiences.
1. A. listened B. felt C. touched D. heard

2. A. involve B. interpret C. recall D. resolve

3. A. largely B. rarely C. merely D. really

4. A. canceled B. figured C. proposed D. witnessed

5. A. until B. once C. after D. since

6. A. magnifies B. intervenes C. contains D. maintains

7. A. reflect B. attain C. access D. refer

8. A. narratives B. forecasts C. regulations D. descriptions

9. A. the rest B. another C. the other D. others

10. A. outputs B. dreams C. flashes D. files

11. A. footstep B. pattern C. frame D. landscape

12. A. emphasis B. arrangement C. explanation D. factor

13. A. aren’t B. weren’t C. isn’t D. wasn’t

14. A. anyone else B. anyone else’s C. some else D. someone else’s

15. A. forgotten B. remembered C. forgetting D. remembering

16. A. senses B. cases C. words D. means

17. A. him B. theirs C. it D. them

18. A. used B. chosen C. taken D. spent 

19. A. habitual B. verbal C. pretty D. mutual

20. A. permanent B. conscious C. subordinate D. spiritual
Section II Reading Comprehension

1.[答案] B [解析] 本题考查词汇的逻辑搭配。thunder“雷声”做宾语,[B]heard是最佳选择。 2.[答案] A [解析] 本题考查考生利用上下文选择判断的能力。文章第一行有remember一词出现,有所暗示。而且全文主题是“儿童失忆症”。[A]recall意为“回忆”,符合句义。 3.[答案] D [解析] 本题考查上下文的连贯理解能力。前半句中出现了seldom一词,just as在这里提示后半句也应该是表示否定意义,且横线后的any一词也起到暗示作用。可见,[D]rarely为正确答案。 4.[答案] A [解析] 本题考查词汇的搭配。和explanations搭配,[A]propose为最佳选择。[B]witness“目睹,作证”,[C]cancel“取消”,[D]figure搭配介词to意为“算出,估计,推测” 5.[答案] C [解析] 本题考查结构知识。根据句义,“……直到一两岁才能成熟”。应该用not…until结构。因此,[C]为正确答案。 6.[答案] B [解析] 本题考查考生的词汇知识。[B]maintain意为“坚持,主张;维持,维修”。根据句义“最流行的理论坚持认为……”。可见,[B]为正确答案。 7.[答案] C [解析] 本题考查上下文的连贯理解能力。22题的recall events对本题有提示作用。[C]reflect意为“反映,表现;反省,细想”,带入句中符合句义,与上文呼应。因此,[C]为正确答案。 8.[答案] C [解析] 本题考查结构知识。句中出现or连接的并列结构,故此处所选的词应与or前面的story为近义词。[C]narratives“叙述,故事”为最佳答案。 9.[答案] D [解析] 本题考查固定搭配。与前面one搭配的应该是another。[D]为正确答案。 10.[答案] B [解析] 本题考查词汇知识。本句句意为“在心智档案中寻找儿时的记忆……”。[B]files意为“文件,答案”,为最佳答案。 ... 查看试题解析出处>>

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