
解析:Young girls at high risk for depres

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【单选题】Young girls at high risk for depression appear to have a malfunctioning reward system in their brains, a new study suggests. The finding comes from research that (1) a high-risk group of 13 girls, aged 10 to 14, who were not depressed but had mothers who (2) recurrent depression and a low-risk group of 13 girls with no (3) or family history of depression.Both groups were given MRI brain (4) while completing a task that could (5) either reward or punishment.
(6) with girls in the low-risk group, those in the high-risk group had (7) neural responses during both anticipation and receipt of the rewarD、 (8) , the high-risk girls showed no (9) in an area of the brain called the dorsal anterior cingulated cortex (背侧前扣带皮质), believed to play a role in (10) past experiences to assist learning.
The high-risk girls did have greater activation of this brain area (11) receiving punishment, compared with the other girls. The researchers said that this suggests that high-risk girls have easier time (12) information about loss and punishment than information about reward and pleasure.
"Considered together with reduced activation in the striatal (纹状体的) areas commonly observed (13) reward, it seems that the reward-processing system is critically (14) in daughters who are at elevated risk for depression, (15) they have not yet experienced a depressive (16) ," wrote Ian H. Gotlib, of Stanford University, and his colleagues. " (17) , longitudinal studies are needed to determine whether the anomalous activations (18) in this study during the processing of (19) and losses are associated with the (20) onset of depression," they concludeD、The study was published in theApril of theArchives of General Psychiatry.
A.result from
B.suppose to
C.result in
D.lead in


[解题思路] 本句末reward和punishment都是任务的结果,所以[C] result in符合文意。[A] result from强调事情的起因,其后接的是原因而非结果,用法举例:Success results from hard work.成功来自努力工作。[B]suppose to是假设而非事实,用法举例:How can I suppose to live without you 如果没有你,我怎么活下去 [D] lead in用法举例:The usher led the guests in.招待员把客人引领进来。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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