
解析:Alcohol use is the number one drug

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【单选题】Alcohol use is the number one drug problem among young people. It’s easy to understand why. For adults, alcohol is legal, widely (1) inAmerican culture and easily (2) . Many kids can get a drink right in their own homes. (3) are drinking younger and more frequently than (4) , often beginning around age 13, according to studies. The average number of alcoholic drinks among college students is five on a single (5) , according to a recent survey.Among those younger 21, it is 5.5 drinks, and among (6) 21 and older, it is 4.2 drinks.
Young people almost always begin drinking because of (7) pressure, in an attempt to be accepted and (8) in the group.According to the U.S. Surgeon General, more than half of junior and senior high school students drink alcoholic (9) . More than 40 percent of those who drink admit to drinking when upset, 31 percent admit to drinking (10) , 25 percent admit to drinking when (11) and 25 percent admit to drinking to get " (12) ."
This is a (13) , serious problem (14) college campuses today. In 1997 Harvard University’s School of Public Health surveyed students at 130 colleges for a college (15) study and found about two of every five college students (16) in binge drinking. (17) binge drinkers at college were 22 times more (18) than non-binge drinkers to have problems, (19) missed classes, falling behind in school work, getting in trouble or hurt and engaging in (20) sexual activity.

A、alcohol B、alcoholic

[解析] 考查名词辨析。alcohol“酒精,酒”,alcoholic“酒精中毒病人,嗜酒者”,alcoholism“酗酒,酒精中毒”,alcoholization“醇化”。空格要填的名词作为study(研究)的定语,根据上下文应该选alcohol,这是一个关于大学生饮酒的研究,故答案是A项。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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