
解析:It is hard to box against a southpa

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【单选题】It is hard to box against a southpaw, asApolloCreed found out when he fought RockyBalboa in the first of an interminable series of movies. While "Rocky" is fiction, the strategic advantage of being left-handed in a fight is very real, simply because most fight-handed people have little experience of fighting left-handers, but not vice vers
The orthodox view of human handedness is that it is connected to the bilateral specialisation of the brain that has concentrated language-processing functions on the left side of that organ.Because, long ago in the evolutionary past, an ancestor of humans underwent a contortion that twisted its head around 180° relative to its body, the left side of the brain controls the fight side of the body, and vice vers
A、In humans, the left brain is usually dominant.And on average, left-handers are smaller and lighter than right-handers. That should put them at an evolutionary disadvantage. Sporting advantage notwithstanding, therefore, the existence of left-handedness poses a problem for biologists.ButCharlotte Faurie thinks he knows the answer.
As any schoolboy could tell you, winning fights enhances your status. If, in prehistory, this translated into increased reproductive success, it might have been enough to maintain a certain proportion of left-handers in the population, by balancing the costs of being left-handed with the advantages gained in fighting. If that is tree, then there will be a higher proportion of left-handers in societies with higher levels of violence, since the advantages of being left-handed will be enhanced in such societies.Dr. Faurie set out to test this hypothesis. Fighting in modem societies often involves the use of technology, notably firms, that is unlikely to give any advantage to left-handers. SoDr. Faurie decided to confine his investigation to the proportion of left-handers and the level of violence in traditional societies.
By trawling the literature, checking with police departments, and even going out into the field and asking people,Dr. Faurie found that the proportion of left-handers in a traditional society is, in- deed, correlated with its homicide rate. One of the highest proportions of left-handers, for example, was found among the Yanomamo of SouthAmeric
A、Raiding and warfare are central to Yanomamo culture. The murder rate is 4 per 1,000 inhabitants per year.And, according toDr. Faufie, 22.6% of Yanomamo are left-handeD、In contrast,Dioula-speaking people ofBurkina Faso in WestAfrica are virtual pacifists. There are only 0. 013 murders per 1,000 inhabitants among them and only 3.4% of the population is left-handeD、
While there is no suggestion that left-handed people are more violent than the right-handed, it looks as though they are more successfully violent. Perhaps that helps to explain the double meaning of the word "sinister".
The double meaning of the word "sinister" refers to
A、left and inferior.

B、left and tricky.
C.left and vulnerable.
D.left and evil.


本题问“sinister”的双重含义指的是什么。文章末段说,不能证明左撇子比右撇子更倾向于暴力,但他们使用暴力似乎更为得心应手,也许这有助于解释“sinister”的双重含义,由此可知,左撇子经常和暴力联系在一起,推得“sinister”表示“左边的和凶恶的”,故[D]正确。 [A]左边的和劣势的;[B]左边的和狡猾的;[C]左边的和脆弱的:均错误。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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