
解析:The small size of the components of

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【单选题】The small size of the components of computer chips has proved unstoppable. In each new (1) , those components are smaller and more tightly packed than they were in their predecessor. (2) has been so rapid that chip designers are (3) apparently fundamental barriers to further reductions in size and increases in density. In a small size version of the (4) to wireless communication in the macroscopic world, a group of researchers led byAlain Nogaret, think they can make chips (5) components talk to each other wirelessly.
The researchers (6) to use the standard print techniques employed in chipmaking to coat a semiconductor with tiny magnets. These magnets will (7) local magnetic fields that point in opposite directions at different points (8) the chip’s surface.Electrons have a (9) called spin--that is affected by magnetic fields, and the team hopes to use a/an (10) called inverse electron-spin vibration to make electrons (11) the chip emit microwaves.
Dr. Nogaret imagine great advances that would stem (12) the success of his work, and these are not (13) to the possibility of packing components yet more tightly. In today’s chips, the failure of a single connection can put the whole circuit out of (14) . This should not happen with a wireless system (15) it could be programmed to re-route signals.
The project will not be (16) sailing. Generating microwaves powerful enough to (17) data reliably will (18) involve stacking several layers of magnets and semiconductors together and encouraging the electrons in them to move in a harmonious union.But if it (19) , a whole new wireless world will be (20) .


[直击题眼] 整句话的理解。 [深层剖析] 此处题意是“如果这个项目______,就能有一个全新的无线世界”,答案显而易见,应该是成功,[B]works的意思是have the desired result or effect(on sb./sth.)“(对某人或某事)产生预期的结果或作用)”,符合题意。 [主干扰项分析] [C]starts“开始”具有一定的迷惑性,但放在这句话中没有[B]works准确。 [次干扰项分析] 最后一段作者首先提出项目的进行不会很顺利,并阐述项目一帆风顺的条件;最后提出将开启一个全新的无线世界,故[A] operates“运转,开动”和[D]goes“进行”均不符合题意。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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