
解析:{{B}}Text 3{{/B}} Research

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【单选题】{{B}}Text 3{{/B}}

Research is commonly divided into "applied" and "pure". This classification is arbitrary and loose, but what is usually meant is that applied research is a deliberate investigation of a problem of practical importance, in contradistinction to pure research done to gain knowledge for its own sake. The pure scientist may be said to accept as an act of faith that any scientific knowledge is worth pursuing for its own sake, and, if pressed, he usually claims that in most instances it is eventually found to be useful. Most of the greatest discoveries, such as the discovery of electricity, X-rays, radium and atomic energy, originated from pure research, which allows the worker to follow unexpected, interesting clues without the intention of achieving results of practical value. In applied research it is the project which is given support, whereas in pure research it is the man. However, often the distinction between pure and applied research is a superficial one as it may merely depend on whether or not the subject investigated is one of practical importance, For example, the investigation of the life cycle of a protozoon in a pond is pure research, but if the protozoon studied is a parasite of man or domestic animal the research would be termed applieD、A、more fundamental differentiation, which corresponds only very roughly with the applied and pure classification is (a) that in which the objective is given and the means of obtaining it are sought, and (b) that in which the discovery is first made and then a use for it is sought.
There exists in some circles a certain amount of intellectual snobbery and tendency to look contemptuously, on applied investigation. This attitude is based on the following two false ideas: that new knowledge is only discovered by pure research while applied research merely seeks to apply knowledge already available, and that pure research is a higher intellectual activity because it requires greater scientific ability and is more difficult.Both these ideas are quite wrong. Important new knowledge has frequently arisen from applied investigation; for instance, the science of bacteriology originated largely from Pasteur’s investigations of practical problem in the beer, wine and silkworm industries. Usually it is more difficult to get results in applied research than in pure research, because the worker has to stick to and solve a given problem instead of following any promising clue that may turn up.Also in applied research most fields have already been well worked over and many of the easy and obvious things have been done.Applied research should not be confused with the routine practice of some branch of science where only the application of existing knowledge is attempteD、There is need for both pure and applied research for they tend to be complementary.
It can be inferred from the text thatA.certain areas in pure research are not fully exploreD、
B.applied investigation requires greater scientific ability.
C.applied research is inferior to pure research.
D.knowledge is useless unless it is put into practice.


本题问从这篇文章可以推理出……。第二段倒数第三句作者在论述应用研究也很有难度时,特意提出“in applied research most fields have already been well worked over”,可以推出,理论研究中有些领域并没有被完全探讨。故[A]“理论研究的某些领域没有被完全探讨”正确。 [B]应用研究需要更强的科研能力:推理错误。Lines 4~5,Para.2指出认为理论研究比应用研究需要更强的科研能力这种看法是错误的,但反过来认为“applied research”要求更高的科研能力也是没有根据的。 [C]应用研究比理论研究低级:作者认为两种研究都重要,应该平等对待,谈不上谁比准低级。 [D]除非应用于实践,否则知识没有用:首段谈到理论研究者认为应该为知识本身而进行研究,而且这些研究多数也是有用的。作者并没有批驳这个观点,而且举了些electricity,X-ray的例子来说明这个观点,可见作者对此观点应该是赞同态度。而本项内容却与此观点相悖,故不正确。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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