
解析:{{B}}Text 4{{/B}} Should an

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【单选题】{{B}}Text 4{{/B}}

Should anyone much care whether anAmerican boy living overseas gets six vicious thwacks on his backside So much has been argued, rejoined and rehashed about the case of Michael Fay, an 18-year-old convicted of vandalism and sentenced to a caning in Singapore, that an otherwise sorry little episode has shaded into a certified International Incident, complete with intercessions by the U. S. head of state.An affair has outragedAmerican libertarians even as it has animated a general debate about moralityEast and West and the proper functioning of U.S. law and order.
Which, to all appearances, is what Singapore wanteD、The question of whether anyone should care about Michael Fay is idle: though Singapore officials profess shock at the attention his case had drawn, they knowAmericans care deeply about the many sides of this issue.Does a teenager convicted of spraying cars with easily removable paint deserve half a dozen powerful strokesAt what point does swift, sure punishment become tortureBy what moral authority canAmerica, with its high rates of lawlessness and license, preach of a safe society about human rights
The caning sentence has concentrated minds wondrously on an already lively domestic debate over what constitutes a due balance between individual and majority rights. Too bad Michael Fay has become a focus for this discussion. Not only does he seem destined to be pummeled and immobilized, but the use of Singapore as a standard for judging any other society, let alone the {{U}}cacophonous{{/U}} U. S. , is fairly worthless.
To begin with, Singapore is an offshore republic that tightly limits immigration. Imagine crime-ridden LOSAngeles, to which Singapore is sometimes contrasted, with hardly any inflow of the hard-luck, often desperate fortune seekers who flock to big cities.Even without its government’s disciplinary measures, Singapore more than plausibly would be much the same as it is now.An academic commonplace today is that the major factor determining social peace and prosperity is culture--a sense of common identity, tradition and values.
Unlike Singapore, though, the U. S. today is a nation in search of a common culture, trying to be a universal society that assimilates the traditions of people from all over the worlD、Efforts to safeguard minority as well as individual rights have produced a gridlock in the justice system. Its troubles stem more from the decay of family life than from any government failures. Few societies can afford to look on complacently.As travel eases and cultures intermix, theAmerican experience is becoming the world’s.
The circumstances of this affair--evidently no Singaporean has ever been punished under the VandalismAct for defacing private property--suggest that Singapore has used Fay as an unwilling point man in a growing quarrel betweenEast and West about human rights.
It can be learned from the text that the debate triggered by Fay’s case focuses mainly uponA.human rights.
B.moral standards.
C.pop cultures.
D.ethical values.


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