
解析:Baby boomers fretting over their pe

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【单选题】Baby boomers fretting over their pensions should spare a thought forConstanceDeCherney. Like many of her generation, the 27-year-old Web strategist at Planned Parenthood in New York has done little to prepare for retirement. "Just the idea of [saving for retirement] feels overwhelming," she says. "My fear of doing something wrong, or not doing enough, sort of paralyzes me."
DeCherney is typical ofAmerica’s so-called Generation Y, the twentysomethings who have entered the workforce in the past I0 years.Already saddled with student debts averaging almost $20,000, according to New York-based think tankDemos, Gen Y is in a tougher financial position than previous generations. The average salary for 25-to 34-year- olds, for instance, fell 19 percent over the last 30 years, after adjusting for inflation, to $35,100,Demos estimates. That’s if they can get jobs: unemployment among 19-to 24-year- olds stands at 15.3 percent vs. the overall rate of 9.5 percent, according to theBureau of Labor Statistics. While many of their parents have guaranteed retirement income from being in a company-funded pension for part of their careers, Gen Y is "the first do-it-yourself retirement generation," saysCatherineCollinson, president of the TransamericaCenter for Retirement Studies in LosAngeles.
Investment companies are stepping up efforts to engage Gen Yers in retirement planning.Charles Schwab has revamped its website to include weekly advice for younger workers on everything from retirement planning to paying down debt. Vanguard is testing out social media, using more blogs, a Facebook page, and soon, Twitter. "It’s how this younger generation learns," says VanguardChiefExecutive Officer William McNabb Ⅲ. Fidelity, the nation’s largest 401 (k) administrator, in June launched an iPhone app for tracking retirement savings and has replaced bulky pension literature with e-mail updates. "This generation lacks confidence about making financial decisions," saysBeth McHugh, Fidelity’s vice-president of market insights. "You have to explain why planning for retirement is so important."
That’s presuming you can get their attention. Fewer than 4,000 Facebook users have clicked the "like" button for Fidelity’s page and about 9,000 have done so for Vanguard’s. Meanwhile, 4.2 million people say they likeApple iTunes on Facebook. Schwab, which began sending Twitter feeds in mid-June, has 277 followers. Whole Foods Market has 1.8 million.
Some baby boomer parents enlist the help of their financial planners in giving their kids a retirement reality check. Jim Stoops, a Schwab financial consultant inChicago, says his 250-plus clients often bring their sons and daughters to his office for advice. "Parents just can’t believe how difficult retirement will be for their children," he says. "They’re trying to instill financial values in their kids.\
What measures do investment companies take to attract Gen YA.They give more profits and benefits to Gen Y.
B.They use a lot of modern technologies and tools.

C、They all offer the financial consultation service.

D、They share the worries and fears of Gen Y.


[试题类型] 具体信息题。 [解题思路] 本题就“投资公司吸引Y一代的手段”进行提问,据此可定位至第三段第一句。该句是第三段主题句,指出投资公司努力让Y一代参与退休金计划。接着具体说明了各个投资公司采取的种种措施,如:更新网站、开博客、建立Facebook页面、上Twitter、使用iPhone程序以追踪退休金储蓄、以电邮更新资料取代宣传单等,这些手段都属于现代技术手段,故选项[B]正确。 [干扰排除] 选项[A]无中生有,文中并没有投资公司让利于消费者的相关信息。选项[C]中的financial consultation在文章最后一段有所体现,但原文意为许多父母因担心孩子们的退休生活而找到理财规划师进行咨询(financial consultation),并不说明“投资公司都提供咨询服务”。选项[D]过度引申,文中提到各投资公司纷纷采取各种手段让Y一代参与退休计划,这只是公司的推广手段,不能由此推知投资公司与Y一代分担烦恼与恐惧。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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