
解析:{{B}}Text 4{{/B}} In the di

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【单选题】{{B}}Text 4{{/B}}

In the dimly lit cyber-cafe at Sciences-Po, hot-house of the French elite, no Gauloise smoke fills the air, no dog-eared copies of Sartre lie on the tables. French students are doing what all students do: surfing the web via Google. Now President JacquesChirac wants to stop thisAmerican cultural invasion by setting up a rival French search-engine. The idea was prompted by Google’ s plan to put online millions of texts fromAmerican andBritish university libraries. IfEnglish books are threatening to swamp cyberspace, MrChirac will not stand idly by.
He asked his culture minister, RenaudDonnedieu de Vabres, and Jean-Noel Jeanneney, head of France’sBibliothèque Nationale, to do the same for French texts—and create a home-grown search-engine to browse them. Why not let Google do the job Its French version is used for 74% of internet searches in France. The answer is the vulgar criteria it uses to rank results. "I do not believe" ,wrote MrDonnedieu de Vabres in Le Monde, "that the only key to access our culture should be the automatic ranking by popularity, which has been behind Google’ s success."
This is not the first time Google has met French resistance.A、court has upheld a ruling against it, in a lawsuit brought by two firms that claimed its display of rival sponsored links (Google’ s chief source of revenues) constituted trademark counterfeiting. The French state news agency,Agence France-Presse ,has also filed suit against Google for copyright infringement.
Googlephobia is spreading. Mr Jeanneney has talked of the "risk of crushing domination byAmerica in defining the view that future generations have of the worlD、"" I have nothing in particular against Google, "he told L’Express, a magazine. "I simply note that this commercial company is the expression of theAmerican system, in which the law of the market is king. "Advertising muscle and consumer demand should not triumph over good taste and cultural sophistication.
The flaws in the French plan are obvious. If popularity cannot arbitrate, what will Mr Jeanneney wants a "committee of experts". He appears to be serious, though the supply of French-speaking experts, or experts speaking any language for that matter, would seem to be insufficient.And if advertising is not to pay, will the taxpayer The plan mirrors another of MrChirac’ s pet projects: aCNNà la francaise. Over a year ago, stung by the power ofEnglishspeaking television news channels in the Iraq war, MrChirac promised to set up a French rival by the end of 2004. The project is bogged down by infighting.
France ’ s desire to combatEnglish, on the web or the airwaves, is understandable. Protecting France’ s tongue from its citizens’ inclination to adoptEnglish words is an ancient hobby of the ruling elite. TheAcadémie Francaise was set up in 1635 to that enD、Linguists devise translations of cyber-terms, such as arrosage (spare) or bogue (bug). Laws limit the use ofEnglish on TV—" Super Nanny" and "StarAcademy" are current pests—and impose translations ofEnglish slogans in advertising. Treating the invasion ofEnglish as a market failure that must be corrected by the state may look clumsy. In France it is just business as usual.
MrDonnedieu de Vabres is against Google because heA.disagrees with the way Google lists its results.
B.resents Google’s popularity around the worlD、
C.does not believe Google’ s commercial success.
D.hates Google’ s access to the French culture.


[解题思路] 原因细节题。文章第二段倒数第二句说“我不相信接触我们的文化的唯一途径是Google用来排列搜索结果的粗俗标准”,也就是“Google列举结果的方式”。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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