
解析:{{B}}Directions:{{/B}} Read the

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Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments intoChinese. Your translation should be written neatly onANSWER SHEET 2.

(46) {{U}}Classical physics defines the vacuum as a state of absence, which is said to exist in a region of space if there is nothing in it.{{/U}} In the quantum field theories that describe the physics of elementary particles, the vacuum becomes somewhat more complicateD、Even in empty space, particles can appear spontaneously as a result of fluctuations of the vacuum. For example, an electron and a positron, or anti-electron, can be created out of the voiD、Particles created in this way have only a fleeting existence; they are annihilated almost as soon as they appear, and their presence can never be detected directly. (47){{U}} They are called virtual particles in order to distinguish them from real particles, whose lifetimes are not constrained in the same way, and which can be detecteD、{{/U}} Thus it is still possible to define that vacuum as a space that has no real particles in it.
One might expect that the vacuum would always be the state of lowest possible energy for a given region of space. If an area is initially empty and a real particle is put into it, the total energy, it seems, should be raised by at least the energy equivalent of the mass of the added particle. (48) {{U}}A、surprising result of some recent theoretical investigations is that this assumption is not invariably true, and there are conditions under which the introduction of a real particle of finite mass into an empty region of space can reduce the total energy.{{/U}} If the reduction in energy is great enough, an electron and a positron will be spontaneously createD、Under these conditions the electron and positron are not a result of vacuum fluctuations but are real particles, which exist indefinitely and can be detecteD、In other words, under these conditions the vacuum is an unstable state and can decay into a state of lower energy; i.e., one in which real particles are createD、
The essential condition for the decay of the vacuum is the presence of an intense electric fielD、(49) {{U}}As a result of the decay of the vacuum,{{/U}} the space permeated by such a field can be said to acquire an electric charge, and it can be called a charged vacuum. The particles that materialize in the space make the charge manifest.An electric field of sufficient intensity to create a charged vacuum is likely to be found in only one place: in the immediate vicinity of a super heavy atomic nucleus, one with about twice as many protons as the heaviest natural nuclei known. (50) {{U}}A、nucleus that large cannot be stable, but it might be possible to assemble one next to a vacuum for long enough to observe the decay of the vacuum.{{/U}}Experiments attempting to achieve this are now under way.

试题答案: 答案解析:[参考译文] 它们被称为“虚粒子”,以便与实粒子区分开来,而实粒子的寿命则不会以相同的方式受到制约,并且其存在能够得以测定。 [考点解析] 句   段 译   文 They are called virtual particles 这些微粒被称为“虚粒子” in order to distinguish them from real particles 以便与实粒子区分开来 whose lifetimes are not constrained in the same way 而实粒子则不会以这种方式受到制约 and which can be detected 并且其存在能够得以测定 ·They指代是上文的particles,因而可译作“这些微粒”。 ·whose所指的是之前的real particles,因而可译作“而实粒子的寿命”。 ·and后的which所指的是之前的real particles,因而应译作“并且其存在能够得以测定” [词汇释义] ·virtual 虚拟的 ·distinguish 区分 ·constrain 制约,约束,限制 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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