
解析:{{B}}Text 2{{/B}} The histo

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【单选题】{{B}}Text 2{{/B}}

The history of modem pollution problems shows that most have resulted from negligence and ignorance. We have an appalling tendency to interfere with nature before all of the possible consequences of our actions have been studied in depth. We produce and distrobite radioactive substances, synthetic chemicals and many other potent compounds before fully comprehending their effects on living organisms. Our education is dangerously incomplete.
It will be argued that the purpose of science is to move into unknown territory, to explore, and to discover. It can be said that similar risks have been taken before, and that these risks are necessary to technological progress.
These arguments overlook an important element. In the past, risks taken in the name of scientific progress were restricted to a small place and brief period of time. The effects of the processes we now strive to master are neither localized nor brief.Air pollution covers vast urban areas. Ocean pollutants have been discovered in nearly every part of the worlD、Synthetic chemicals spread over huge stretches of forest and farmland may remain in the soil for decades and years to come. Radioactive pollutants will be found in the biosphere for generations. The size and persistence of these problems have grown with the expanding power of modem science.
One might also argue that the hazards of modem pollutants are small compared with the dangers associated with other human activity. No estimate of the actual harm done by smog, fallout, or chemical residues can obscure the reality that the risks are being taken before being fully understooD、
The importance of these issues lies in the failure of science to predict and control human intervention into natural processes. The true measure of the danger is represented by the hazards we will encounter if we enter the new age of technology without first evaluating our responsibility to environment.
What the people really ignore in the debate is thatA.the effects of the modern pollutants on the living organisms.
B.the present situation is remarkedly different from the past.
C.the stress of progress of science to the neglect of environmental protection.
D.the serious consequence followed by the development of science.


[解题思路] 事实细节题。文章第三段首句说:这些观点中忽略了一个重要因素。然后第二句说:过去以科学名义进行的冒险范围小、时间短。而第三句说:现在我们想要做的事情既非地方性的,也非短暂性的。表明我们目前的状况已经与以往的状况大不相同。因此只有[B]正确。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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