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【分析解答题】{{B}}Directions:{{/B}}{{I}}A、Title: Globle Shortage of Fresh WaterB、Your composition should be based on the Outline given inChinese below:{{/I}} 1. 人们认为淡水是取这不尽的; 2. 实际上淡水是短缺的; 3. 我们就当怎么办。{{I}} You should write about 200 words neatly onANSWER SHEET Ⅱ.{{/I}}
试题答案: 答案解析:[参考范文] Global Shortage of Fresh Water People often think that water will never be used up. There is plenty of water, such as rain, water from the rivers and wefts. It seems as ff water is always available around us and we never have to worry about water shortage. In fact water is rather limited on the earth. With the rapid increase of population and fast development of industries, water is more needed than before. At the same time, a large amount of water has been polluted and wasted every day. Some big cities in China are facing the problem of water short age already. There, water supply is controlled and industry has been restrained. What should we do about the water shortage I think, first, the people should be made aware of the real situation about the water. Everyone should consciously save on water and certain law should be made that no water will be polluted. We have to protect the existing water resources and develop new ones. In this way I believe that our cities will not be thirsty for water in the future. [考题分析]本题为提纲作文,要紧扣提纲。题目给出的提纲就是文章的框架,只需充实内容就可以了,要注意的是,自己的内容需包括提纲给出的条目,可以做增加,但千万不可弃之一边,自作主张,结果因为扣题不紧而失分。内容可以这样组织:首先简单陈述人们的观点,如:雨水,河水,井水;主题部分当然是分析实际情况,如:人口增加,工业用水增加,污染严重等;最后给出建议,如:节约用水,开发新水源等。注意运用however, nevertheless,on the contrary,in fact等转折词,以及表列举顺序的表达。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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