
解析:Alan "Ace" Greenberg chose his nick

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【单选题】Alan "Ace" Greenberg chose his nickname to improve his chances with girls at the University of Missouri.But it is an apt (1) of his wading skills on Wall Street. This week, as the 73-year-old (2) down (3) chairman ofBear Stearns, the investment bank where he has worked since 1949 is in a high. It (4) an increase in post-tax profits in the second quarter of 43% on a year earlier, (5) a time when many of its Wall Street rivals have (6) . On June 26th Merrill Lynch (7) a warning that its profits in the second quarter would fall by half, far (8) of expectations. Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have also reported lower profits.
Strange that this surpriseD、 (9) Alan Greenspan’s frenetic cuts (10) interest rates, times are good for underwriters and waders of bonds, core activities forBear Stearns and LehmanBrothers, (11) also recorded a sharp increase in profits. It has been a terrible (12) for equity underwriters and for advisers on the small amounts of mergers and acquisitions (M&A、this year.
Merrill, Goldman and Morgan Stanley are three of the investment banks that gained (13) during the boom in equity and M&
A、business, and they are now (14) the most. Of the three, Merrill is weakest in bonds. It cut (15) its fixed-income activities after the collapse of Lung-TermCapital Management (LTCM) in 1998.As it happens, bothBear Stearns and Lehman have long been criticised for their weakness in equities.
Mr Greenberg is famous for worrying about even the price of a paper-clip atBear Stearns. This used to seem terribly (16) ,but these days other Wall Street firms are (17) about costs. Lay-offs are (18) though not yet alarmingly-not least, because banks saw how Merrill Lynch lost (19) when the markets rebounded quickly after the LTCM crisis. Still, if few (20) of improvement show soon, expect real blood-letting on Wall Street.




现在他们损失最惨重。本题测试点为上下文理解和动词的用法。因为主语是公司,动词应采用主动语态。lose“损失”的意思讲是及物动词,后面应有宾语,而这里没有,故正确答案是c。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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