
解析:The terms college and university or

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【单选题】The terms college and university originally had very similar meanings. Only (1) the passing of centuries did "university" come to (2) an educational (3) composed of more than one college.
During the MiddleAges students (4) the universities of Paris, Oxford, andCambridge found (5) convenient to rent houses and share expenses (6) living in private apartments.By the 13th century these "houses of scholars" were becoming legally recognized corporate institutions.At Oxford the earliest of these (7) were UniversityCollege, (8) in 1249 by William ofDurham;BalliolCollege, founded by JohnBalliol in 1263; and MertonCollege, founded about 1264 by Walter de Merton.A、similar (9) took place atCambridge.
In the United States the word college most commonly (10) to four-year institutions that (11) students from secondary schools and grant a bachelor’s (12) after a general (13) of studies.
A、college may also be a school (14) specialized training that takes place after (15) the bachelor’s degree--such as a college of law or medicine. Schools (16) in theological training may be called seminaries or schools instead of colleges.A、university normally (17) of a group of colleges--one for the liberal arts or general studies and (18) for engineering, law, medicine, education, and (19) . Some of these colleges are for advanced study, (20) the college of liberal arts is the institution in which one earns a bachelor’s degree.


[解题思路] 动词辨析。let意为“允许,让”;allow意为“允许,承认”;permit:意为“许可,允许,准许”;admit意为“容许,承认,接纳”。动词的主语是that,指代前文的four-year institutions“四年制的机构”,动词的宾语是students“学生”,搭配是:动词+宾语+from结构。四个选项均有“允许”的意思,而“允许”的含义与文章内容不匹配,本题考查考生对一词多义的掌握能力,此处选择的是admit的特殊含义“接纳”。正确答案只能为[D]。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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