
解析:It has been necessary to refer repe

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【单选题】It has been necessary to refer repeatedly to the .effects of the two world wars in promoting all kind of innovation. It should be (1) also that technological innovations have (2) the character of war itself by the (3) of new mechanical and chemical device. One weapon developed during World War Ⅱ (4) a special mention. The (5) of rocket propulsions was well known earlier, and its possibilities as a (6) of achieving speeds sufficient to escape from theEarth’s gravitational pull had been (7) by the Russian and theAmerican scientists. The latter built experimental liquid-fuelled rockets in 1926. (8) , a group of German and Romanian pioneers was working (9) the same lines and in the 1930s, it was this team that developed a rocket (10) of delivering a warhead hundreds of miles away. Reaching a height of over 100 miles, the V-2 rocket (11) the beginning of the SpaceAge, and members of its design team were (12) in both the Soviet and United States space programs after the war.
Technology had a tremendous social (13) in the period 1900 - 1945. The automobile and electric power, (14) , radically changed both the scale and the quality of 20th-century life, (15) a process of rapid urbanization and a virtual revolution (16) living through mass production of household goods and (17)
The rapid development of the airplane, the cinema, and radio made the world seem suddenly smaller and more (18) . The development of many products of the chemical industry further transformed the life of most people. In the years (19) 1945 the constructive and creative opportunities of modern technology could be (20) , although the process has not been without its problems.


本题考的是词汇辨析。四个选项都有“器械、设备”的意思,但只有A.applicance可以和household搭配,特指洗衣机、搅拌机等家用电器。其余选项:B.utilities指水、电、煤气等“公用事业”;C.instruments工具,乐器;D.equipment装备,设备。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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