
解析:The modern university is the ideal

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【单选题】The modern university is the ideal environment for the creation and transfer of knowledge that drives national competitiveness in an increasingly global er
A、Its most effective form is theAmerican adaptation of theEuropean model, in which teaching, leaning and research are integrated into a single institution. Indeed, theAmerican university has proved capable of almost anything, from developing advanced economic theories to creating new life forms.
Many national leaders understand that the university is the critical catalyst forAmerica’s adaptability, economic robustness and emergence as a great power.And they are moving aggressively to catch up. The universities created by emerging economies beginning in the 1990s and through 2020 will likely play a decisive role in reshaping the global balance of economic power.
That is bad news for the United States. The past two decades ofAmerican university development have been characterized largely by self-satisfaction arising from steady progress by the top 20 or so research universities.AndAmerica as a nation has 1Seen coasting. Since 2000, the United States has lost its edge in the graduation of engineers and technologists. The country no longer dominates scientific discovery, innovation or exploration. Most important, the United States has not launched any effort to build new institutions to accommodate its increasingly diverse population of more than 300 million.
The result is thatAmerica’s university system, despite its historical pre-eminence, has ceased to grow. Furthermore,America’s university system has failed to adapt to the dramatic demographic shifts occurring as a result of social mobility and immigration.
America needs to realize that its universities face real competition from the rest of the world to attract the best and the brightest, to secure resources and to provide environments that educate and inspire. This is not to say that the bestAmerican universities are no longer the leaders in discovery and innovation. It is to say that the success of the higher-education system must be measured by more than just innovations. Its long-term performance depends on its ability to provide learning to a broad cross sections of citizens, to advance national proficiency in math and science and to create an adaptable work force, as well as to develop a national appreciation for discovery, entrepreneurship and the creative process.
InChina and elsewhere, these are the goals of the new universities being built. In the United States, we need to move from a national self-confidence based on past success to one built on the knowledge that we are advancing a system of higher education that will meet our future needs. This will require that policymakers, business leaders and universities rededicate themselves to creating comprehensive learning and discovery environments; design entirely new models and methods for teaching, and then take action to implement them.
It can be inferred from the text that the most possible direction of university reform in the US is ______
A、offering more attractive scholarships.
B.developing advanced economic theories.
C.finding a better system for learning and researching.
D.spending more money for hardware improvement.


本题为推理判断题。文章最后一段中指出了美国大学的发展方向是发展更加有利于国家进步的教学科研环境。选项A的内容仅仅对于吸引人才有一定作用。B的内容过于片面。D并不符合总体改革原则,因此C最符合题意。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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