
解析:Uruguay has been a proud exception

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【单选题】Uruguay has been a proud exception to the privatizing wave that swept through SouthAmerica in the 1990s. Its state-owned firms are more efficient than many of their counterparts inArgentina andBrazil ever were. In 1992, Uruguayans voted in a referendum against privatizing telecoms. They rightly observe that some ofArgentina’s sales were smashed, creating inefficient private monopolies.And with unemployment at 15%, nobody is enthusiastic about the job cuts privatization would involve.
That leaves President JorgeBatlle with a problem. Uruguay has been in recession for the past two years, mainly because of low prices for its agricultural exports, and because ofArgentina’s woes.But public debt is at 45% of GDP, and rising. Some economists argue that privatization would give a boost to the economy, by attracting foreign investment, and by lowering costs.CERES, a think-tank, having compared tariffs for public services in Uruguay and its neighbors, believes liberalization could save businesses and households the equivalent of 4% of GDP annually, raise growth and produce a net 45,000 jobs.
The polls that show continuing support for public ownership also show growing opposition to monopolies. So Mr.Baffle plans to keep the state firms, but let private ones either compete with them or bid to operate their services under contract.
The oppositionBroad Front and the trade unions are resisting. They have gathered enough signatures to demand a "public consultation" next month on a new law to allow private operators in the ports and railways—a referendum on whether to hold a referendum on the issue.AlbertoBension, the finance minister, admits the vote will be a crucial indicator of how far the government can push.But he notes that, since 1992, attempts to overturn laws by calling referendums have floppeD、
The liberalization of telecoms has already begun.Bell South, anAmerican firm, is the first private cell-phone operator. There are plans to license others, and talk of allowing competition for fixed-line telephones.
A、new law allows private companies to import gas fromArgentina to generate electricity in competition with the state utility.Another plan would stripAncap, the state oil firm, of its monopoly of imports. It has already been allowed to seek a private partner to modernize its refinery.
Harder tasks lie aheaD、The state-owned banks are burdened with problem loans to farmers and home owners.And Mr.Batlle shows no appetite for cutting the bureaucracy.
After a year in office, the president is popular. He has created a cross-party commission to investigate "disappearances" during Uruguay’s military dictatorship of 1976-85 The unions are weakened by unemployment.AtCERES.Ernesto Talvi argues that Mr.Baffle should note his own strength, and push ahead more boldly.But that is not the Uruguayan way.
Which one is TRU
E、according to the passage
A、Privatization is thriving in Uruguay.

B、Now, referenda have less strength to change some laws.
C.Uruguayan people are satisfied with the government’s actions with regard to the economy.
D.The President is managing to keep the state companies efficient.


推理判断题。A“私有化在乌拉圭蓬勃发展”,而从整篇文章来看,私有化是受限制的;B“公民投票对于法律更新的敦促力度减小”,而实际上公民投票已经不能改变法律了;C“乌拉圭人民对政府的经济措施感到满意”,文中并没有提到这点;D“总统力图让国有公司更有效率”,文中多处提到总统在采取各种措施振兴国有企业,如“So Mr. Baffle plans to keep the state firms, but let private ones either compete with them or bid to operate their services under contract”和“Another plan would strip Ancap, the state oil firm, of its monopoly of imports. It has already been allowed to seek a private partner to modernize its refinery.”因此D是正确答案。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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