
解析:In spite of rising concern in the N

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【单选题】In spite of rising concern in the Northeast andCanada,Administration spokesmen have repeatedly insisted that nothing could really be done about acid rain and the industry-produced sulfur emissions until all the scientific facts were in. Suddenly last week, however, facts came raining down, in effect making further scientific debate on what mainly causes the problem all but irrelevant.  What brought about the downpour was a study commissioned by Presidential ScienceAdviser. The spokesmen plainly called for remedial action even if some technical questions about acid rain were still unanswere
D、"If we take the conservative point of view that we must wait until the scientific knowledge is definitive," said the spokesman, "the accumulated deposition and damaged environment may reach the point of ’’irreversibility’’."  When it rains, it pours. Next came a study from the National ResearchCouncil. Its definitive conclusion: reducing emissions of sulfur dioxide from coal-burning power plants and factories, such as these in the Midwest, would in fact significantly reduce the acidity in rain, snow and other precipitation(降水) that is widely believed to be worsening the life from fresh-water lakes and forests in the Northeast andCanad
A、The spokesman did not recommend any specific action.  
A、pair of remedial measures are already taken beforeCongress.
A、Senate committee recently approved a bill that would require reduction over the next decade of sulfur-dioxide emissions by 10 million tons in the States bordering on the east of the Mississippi.
A、tougher measure was introduced in the House ordering the 50 largest sulfur polluters in the U. S. to cut emissions substantially. To ease theEastern coal mining industry, which fears a switch to low-sulfur Western coal, the bill requires the installation of expensive "scrubbers", devices for removing sulfur from the smoke, rather than an order that forbids high-sulfur fuel. Still, the legislation is being vigorously opposed by the coal industry and utilities, especially in the Mid-west, where heavy industries are battling to survive. In a survey also released last week, theEdisonElectric Institute , an industry group, gravely predicted that electricity rates could rise as much as 50% if the emission-control legislation passe
D、  Government studies dispute these figures, butCongress has been suspended on acid-rain measures. Now, as a result of the academy study, supporters of the bills are more optimistiC、Nevertheless, a major political battle is shaping up.The first paragraph shows that
A、theAdministration has ignored the public anxiety about acid rain.
B. the industrial sulfur emissions need further scientific verification
C.the spokesmen have denied the presence of proofs of acid rain.

D、scientific evidence has made the cause of acid rain undebatable.


第1段末句说,大量事实使得对酸雨主要成因的科学争论几乎没有必要了,其中all but irrelevant相当于almost unnecessary。D项符合此意。 A项中ignored是强加于人。B项是断章取义。C项是釜底抽薪,其末尾若改作of the fact that acid rain is mainly caused by industry-produced sulfur emissions,方为可取。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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