
解析:{{B}}Text 4{{/B}} The empty

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【单选题】{{B}}Text 4{{/B}}

The empty house, in a middle-class corner of southernCalifornia, is two storeys high and boasts a three-car garage. Roses bloom around a kidney-shaped swimming pool, which is green with algae.BillBobbitt, a county inspector, dips a ladle into the water and brings up half a dozen wriggling larvae. Mosquitoes, and the West Nile virus that some of them carry, are thriving inCalifornia’s plunging property market.
West Nile virus arrived inAmerica in 1999 and made it toCalifornia three years later. Since then it is known to have infected 2,300 people in the state, of whom 76 have dieD、In OrangeCounty this is the worst summer yet.By this point last year officials there had discovered nine birds that had been killed by West Nile virus and not one infected mosquito. So far this year they have found 219 infected birds and 75 infected mosquitoes.
Some of this rise is due to better testing and co-operation with the animal services department, which receives most reports of dying birds.But a much bigger cause is the housing crunch. Fully 63,000 homes were foreclosed inCalifornia betweenApril and June, according toDataQuick, a property data services outfit. In the past year the number of OrangeCounty homeowners who have defaulted on their mortgages has more than doubleD、Empty houses mean untended pools. Untended pools quickly breed mosquitoes.
Dead birds are also piling up in neighbouring counties like LosAngeles, SanDiego and SanBernardino, which also have high foreclosure rates. Last week 170 infected mosquitoes were discovered in the state as a whole-the highest tally ever. So far this year i3 human infections have been reported inCalifornia, but the numbers are expected to grow rapidly as the summer moves on. John Rusmisel, president-elect of the board responsible for killing the critters, says a peak in infected mosquitoes is generally followed, two or three weeks later, by a peak in human cases.
In theory, owners are supposed to keep their properties in decent shape whether they live there or not.California has even passed a bill fining banks and mortgage companies that seize properties and then allow pools to fester.But MrBobbitt isn’t waiting for the lawyers. He has treated the pool in SantaAna with oil and synthetic growth hormones, which will keep the mosquitoes adolescent, preventing breeding. Then he tips in a few dozen mosquito fish (Gambusia affinis), which begin happily launching larvae. You can buy a lot of the fish for what a lawyer charges per hour, and some authorities, with commendable creativity, even provide them free to help control the pests.
Why are there so many houses left untendedA.Property market is plunging sharply.
B.They are foreclosed and banks and mortgage companies that seize properties do not intend to tend them.
C.High fees are needed in tending houses.
D.Owners do not live there temporarily.


本题结合第三段作答。C项在文中未说明,故不选。D项虽是房子的现状,但并非导致无人照看房子的原因,且后文也说“In theory,owners are supposed to keep their properties in decent shape whether they live there or not”。难点在于A、B选项。大体上看,A、B选项都是正确的,B项是比较直接的原因,而A项则是导致B项出现的更深一层次的原因,从与题干的结合度来讲,当选B为宜。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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