
解析:On his fifty-fifth birthday the pre

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【单选题】On his fifty-fifth birthday the president decided to (1) some prisoners of the(2) age as a gesture of good will Not too many, but one, say, from each of the twenty of thirty (3) prisons in the small state. They would have to be carefully selected (4) not to give trouble once they were out. Men perhaps had been so (5) in prison that they had ceased to have and real contact with the outside worlD、None of them was to be told a (6) of his (7) liberty. Marlo was therefore (8) when he was called to the Governor’s office one morning and told he was to be set (9) next day. He had spent almost three quarters of. his life in (10) working out a life sentence (11) stabbing a policeman to death. He was a dull-witted man with no relations (12) and no friends except his prison mates.
The following morning was clear and bright. Marlo (13) no opportunity to say goodbye to (14) but a guard (15) him to the prison gates and wished him g6dspeeD、Alone, he set off up the long white road leading to the town. The traffic, the incessant noise, the absence (16) the secure prison walls terrified him. Presently he ’sat down by the side of the road to think (17) .After he had thought for a long time, for his brain worked slowly, he (18) a decision. He remained he was, waiting patiently until at last he saw a police car (19) When it was near enough, he darted out into the road, obliging it to stop with a squeal of brakes. He had with him a little knife. When the young police officer got out of the car demanding (20) what was wrong, Marlo stabbed him very neatly just behind the right ear.
A、a littleB、a few
C、some D、anyway

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