
解析:A、proven method for effective text

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A、proven method for effective textbook reading is the SQ3R method developed by Francis Robinson. The first step is to survey (the S step) the chapter by reading the title, introduction, section headings, summary and by studying any graphs, tables, illustrations or charts. The purpose of this step is to get an overview of the chapter so that you will know before you read what it will be about. In the second step (the Q step), for each section you ask yourself questions such as "What do I already know about this topic " and "What do I want to know " In this step you also take the section heading and turn it into a question. This step gives you a purpose for reading the section. The third step (the first of the 3 R’s) is to read to find the answer to your questions. Then at the end of each section, before going on to the next section, you recite (the second of the 3 R’s) the answers to the questions that you formed in the question step. When you recite you should say the information you want to learn out loud in your own words. The fifth step is done after you have completed steps 2, 3 and 4 for each section. You review (the last of the 3 R’s) the entire chapter. The review is done much as the survey was in the first step.As you review, hold a mental conversation with yourself as you recite the information you selected as important to learn. The mental conversation could take the form of asking and answering the questions fromed from the headings or reading the summary, which lists the main ideas in the chapter, and trying to fill in the details for each main ide
Which of the following statements is true
A、In the last step, you should remember all the information.
B.When you finish the last step, you will get both the main idea and the details.
C.The mental conversation involves answering the questions asked by the author.
D.While you are holding a mental conversation you select the important information.


当你完成最后一个步骤时,你对大意和细节都会掌握。从文章最后一句可知,最后一个阶段应采取自问自答的方式。应针对性地列出本章主要内容的标题或概要提问,同时要给主要内容填充细节。可见,大意和细节都是最后一个步骤应注意的。A,在最后一个步骤中,你应该记住所有的信息。C,自问自答时应回答作者提出的问题。D,当你自问自答时,你选择主要信息。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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