
解析:What impact can mobile pho

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What impact can mobile phones have on their users’ health Many people worry about the supposed ill effects caused by radiation from handsets and base stations, {{U}} (1) {{/U}} the lack of credible evidence of any harm.But evidence for the beneficial effects of mobile phones on health is rather more {{U}} (2) {{/U}} Indeed, a systematic review {{U}} (3) {{/U}} out by RifatAtun and his colleagues at ImperialCollege, rounds up 150 {{U}} (4) {{/U}} of the use of text-messaging in the {{U}} (5) {{/U}} of health care. These uses {{U}} (6) {{/U}} three categories: efficiency gains; public-health gains; and direct benefits to patients by {{U}} (7) {{/U}} text-messaging into treatment regimes.
Using texting to {{U}} (8) {{/U}} efficiency is not profound science, but big savings can be achieveD、Several {{U}} (9) {{/U}} carried out inEngland have found that the use of text-messaging reminders {{U}} (10) {{/U}} the number of missed appointments with family doctors by 26-39%, and the number of missed hospital appointments by 33-50%. If such schemes were {{U}} (11) {{/U}} nationally, this would translate {{U}} (12) {{/U}} annual savings of £256-364 million.
Text messages can also be a good way to deliver public-health information, particularly to groups {{U}} (13) {{/U}} are hard to reach by other means. Text messages have been used in India to {{U}} (14) {{/U}} people about the World Health Organization’s strategy to control lung disease. In Iraq, text messages were used to support a {{U}} (15) {{/U}} to immunize nearly 5 million children {{U}} (16) {{/U}} paralysis.
{{U}} (17) {{/U}}, there are the uses of text-messaging as part of a treatment regime. These involve sending reminders to patients to {{U}} (18) {{/U}} their medicine, or to encourage accordance with exercise regimes. However,Dr. Rifat notes that the evidence for the effectiveness of such schemes is generally {{U}} (19) {{/U}}, and more quantitative research is {{U}} (20) {{/U}}


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