
1题:Analysts have their go at humor, and I have read some of this interpretative literature, (1) without being greatly instructeD、Humor can be (2) , (3) a frog can, but the thing dies in the process and the innards are (4) to any but the pure scientific minD、
One of the things (5) said about humorists is that they are really very sad ’people clowns with a breaking heart. There is some truth in it, but it is badly (6) . It would be more (7) , I think, to say that there is a deep vein of melancholy running through everyone’s life and that the humorist, perhaps more (8) of it than some others, compensates for it actively and (9) Humorists fatten on troubles. They have always made trouble (10) They struggle along with a good will and endure pain (11) , knowing how well it will (12) them in the sweet by and by. You find them wrestling with foreign languages, fighting folding ironing hoards and’ swollen drainpipes, suffering the terrible (13) of tight boots. They pour out their sorrows profitably, in a (14) of what is not quite fiction nor quite fact either.Beneath the sparking surface of these dilemmas flows the strong (15) of human woe.
Practically everyone is a manic depressive of sorts, with his up moments and his down moments, and you certainly don’t have to be a humorist to (16) the sadness of situation and mooD、But there is often a rather fine line between laughing and crying, and if a humorous piece of writing brings a person to the point (17) his emotional responses are untrustworthy and seem likely to break over into the opposite realm, it is (18) humor, like poetry, has an extra content, it plays (19) to the big hot fire which is Truth, and sometimes the reader feels the (20) .

A、interest B、threaten C、benefit D、deprive


3题:法律解释的方法是解释者为了达到解释的目标所使用的方法,对于法律解释的方法,民法法系和普通法法系虽然概括和表述不同,但是法律解释的方法大体上都包括文义解释、历史解释、体系解释、目的解释等。以下关于法律解释方法的论述错误的是( )。

4题:缩小某个估计的置信区间,下列哪个方法是错误的 ()

5题: 毛泽东思想基本形成的主要标志是提出了 ( )

6题: 在1927年到1935年,中国共产党在革命根据地建立的国家的性质( )


8题:After yuppies and dinkies, a new creature from adland stalks the block. The NYLON. an acronym linking New York and London, is a refinement of those more familiar categories such as jet-setters and cosmocrats (cosmopolitan aristocrats...do keep up). Marketing professionals have noted that (1) the demise ofConcorde, a new class of high-earner increasingly (2) his or her time shuttling (3) the twin capitals of globalisationAnd NYLONS prefer their home comforts (4) tap in both cities.Despite the impressive (5) of air miles, they are not adventurous people.
As (6) from Tom Wolfe’s Masters of the Universe of the 1980s. NYLONS have done more than well (7) the long boom and new economy of the last ten years. They areDJs. chefs, games designers. Internet entrepreneurs, fashionistas, publishers and even a (8) band of journalists and writers. They are self-consciously trendy and some are even able to (9) houses in both cities. Others will put up. (10) a house in one. and a view (11) a room m the (12) . Of course, their horizons do (13) beyond just New York and London. For many. LosAngeles is an important shopping mall.
More significantly for adland, NYLONS provide some useful marketing savings.Campaigns no longer have to differ very much in the twoCities, (14) NYLONS bring them ever closer together. The restaurants are the same, with Nobu now in London andConran in New York. Many plays (15) in both cities at the same time. andDJs shuttle between the two. (16) the same garage to the same people in (17) clubs. Time Out and Wallpaper are the magazines of (18) .All this is fine for NYLONS.But not so much (19) for everybody else watching Notting Hill turn (20) a pale imitation of Greenwich Village.


9题:What our society suffers from most today is the absence of consensus about what it and life in it ought to be. Such consensus cannot be gained from society’’s present stage, or from fantasies about what it ought to be. For that the present is too close and too diversified, and the future too uncertain, to make believable claims about it.
A、consensus in the present hence can be achieved only through a shared understanding of the past, as Homer’’s epics (史诗) informed those who lived centuries later what it meant to be Greek, and by what images and ideals they were to live their lives and organize their societies.  Most societies derive consensus from a long history, a language all their own, a common religion, common ancestry. The myths by which they live are based on all of these.But the United States is a country of immigrants, coming from a great variety of nations. Lately, it has been emphasized that an asocial, narcissistic ( 自我陶醉的 ) personality has become characteristic ofAmericans, and that it is this type of personality that makes for the lack of well-being, because it prevents us from achieving consensus that would counteract a tendency to withdraw into private worlds. In his study of narcissism,Christopher Lasch says that modern man, "tortured by self- consciousness, turns to new therapies not to free himself of his personal worries but to find meaning and purpose in life, to find something to live for." There is widespread distress because national morale has declined, and we have lost an earlier sense of national vision and purpose.  Contrary to rigid religions or political beliefs, as are found in totalitarian ( 极权主义的 ) societies, our culture is one of great individual differences, at least in principle and in theory.But this leads to disunity, even chaos.Americans believe in the value of diversity, but just because ours is a society based on individual diversity, it needs consensus about some dominating ideas more than societies based on uniform origin of their citizens. Hence, if we are to have consensus, it must be based on a myth―a vision―about a common experience, a conquest that made usAmericans, as the myth about the conquest of Troy formed the Greeks. Only a common myth can offer relief from the fear that life is without meaning or purpose. Myths permit us to examine our place in the world by comparing it to a shared ide
A、Myths are shared fantasies that form the tie that binds the individual to other members of his group. Such myths help to ward off feelings of isolation, guilt, anxiety, and purposelessness―in short, they combat isolation and the breakdown of social standards and values. The asocial personality ofAmericans results from
A、the multiracial constituents of the U. S. society.

B、the absence of a common religion and ancestry.

C、the want of shared myths they possess in life.
D.the obstruction of achieving a general agreement.





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