
解析:Lots of creatures already reproduce

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【单选题】Lots of creatures already reproduce without sex. Since the birth of LouiseBrown, the first test-tube baby, in 1978, (1) of human beings (2) in laboratory glassware rather than in beD、
If human cloning becomes possible—and since the birth of a sheep calledDolly, (3) doubt that it will be feasible to clone a person by 2025—even the link between sex organs and reproduction (4) . You will then be able to take a cutting from your body and grow a new person, (5) you were a willow tree.
(6) , we have already divorced sex from reproduction. In the 1960s, the contraceptive pill freed women to enjoy sex for its own sake. (7) , greater tolerance of homosexuality signaled society’s acceptance of nonreproductive sex of another sort. These changes are only continuations of a (8) that started perhaps a million years ago.
Human beings (9) the interest in infertile, social sex with a few other species: dolphins, apes and some birds.But (10) sex is too good for human beings to (11) , more and more people will abandon it as a (12) of reproduction.
In the modern world, you can (13) have sex and parenthood without suffering the bit (14) . Some Hollywood actresses (15) the urge for mothering by electing to adopt children (16) spoil their figures (as they see it) by childbearing. For people as beautiful as this, the temptation to (17) a clone (reared in a surrogate womb) could one day be (18) .
However, human cloning and designer babies are probably not (19) .Even assuming that the procedures are judged safe and efficient in farm animals, still a long way off, they will be heavily (20) , if not banned, by many governments for human beings.


a trend that started perhaps a million years ago或许一百万年前就开始了的一种趋势。其余选项都不合题意。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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