
It Takes Years to Learn English Wel

2016年01月05日来源:口译笔译考试 所有评论

【分析解答题】It Takes Years to Learn English Well
Confucius said, "Since the age of 15, I have devoted myself to learning; since 30, I have been well established; since 40, I have understood many things and have no longer been confused; since 50, I have known my heaven-sent duty; since 60, I have been able to distinguish right and wrong in other people's words; and since 70, I have been able to do what I intend freely without breaking the rules."
The average life expectancy at the Spring and Autumn Periods and Warring States Periods was, according to some research, about 19 years. Confucius lived 72 to 73 years, a rare god of
longevity indeed. It was even hard for those with power and leisure to reach such an age. Therefor, Confucius could be very well learned, far from what an ordinary person could expect at his times. The latest statistics in 2001 shows that the world life expectancy is 62.27 with the Japanese taking the lead to be 79.66 while China gaining a position surpassing all developing countries by its 69.98. However, the Chinese have not yet reached the age to do what they intend freely without breaking the rules. Thus, rules are hard not to be broken.
Calculated in the terms Confucius set for us in learning, those of us who have been learning English for ten years still have a long way to go before reaching the time to be established. To have no confusion, one has to spend 25 years. To truly understand the purpose of English learning, one has to do it for 35 years. It takes 45 years if one wants to distinguish right and wrong in other people's words. And 55 years to manipulate English language freely without breaking the rules.

学好英语要用多少年 子曰:“吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心欲,不逾矩。” 据研究表明,春秋战国时期人均预期寿命为19岁。孔夫子活了七十二、三岁,是少有的寿星。即使是当时位高权重、安逸自得的人也很难如此高寿。因此孔夫子博学多才,在当时也是一般人所望尘莫及的。 2011年最新数据统计表明,世界人均预期寿命为62.27,日本... 查看试题解析出处>>

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