
解析:There is only ONE、right answer.Blac

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【单选题】There is only ONE、right answer.Blacken the corresponding letter as required on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.
Something kept scratching on the outside of the tent. I wouldn’t have thought much about it (91) I hadn’t recently seen a ridiculously (92) film on television in which a monster tried to get into its (93) bedroom by scratching on the door with its claw-like hands.A、stupid (94) , but it kept coming back, (95) sleep. When a cry rang out across the moor I crawled out to see what it was all about.
In a small tent this is less easy than it (96) After (97) yourself from a cocoon-like sleepingbag, you have to (98) with the zip-fasteners of the tent from a kneeling (99) Outside all seemed in order. The (100) noise came from clumps of spiky rushes (101) blown by the wind (102) the canvas. The only (103) I have for the eerie cries is that overhead may have passed a(n) (104) flock of stone curlews, birds which make a diabolical noise.
The moon was the colour of a corpse. Uncomforted, I crept back into the tent.Dawn was pretty dreary, too. Flocks of drifting clouds had settled down low (105) the horizon, jostling each other, uneasily, like sheep undecided what to do next. Hoping fervently they would push off, I paced (106) and walked on, taking the left (107) of the River Tavy, looking for its junction with the tributary that led to Great Kneeset. NattorDown loomed up where it should have been, but another apparently unmapped hill popped (108) on the opposite side of the torrent, rather spoiling my simple conception of the landscape.
The going became difficult, (109) a great deal of the stuff they call clitter, the rubble from the outcrops of granite, had fallen down into the gorge.But the compass (110) the heading and I scrambled along as fast as I could in weather that seemed to be worsening. I decided to make for some high place where I could look around and see whether it looked safe to go on.
D.look for


[解析] fumble很形象,特指“摸索着寻找”,其余三个选项都不能与with搭配。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>

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