
解析:Bringing the WorldCup toAsia was su

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【分析解答题】Bringing the WorldCup toAsia was supposed to expand the reach of the global game in a happy confluence of good will and good business. The action on the pitch has certainly been dramatic, and most fans were thrille
D、But less than half way through the month-long tournament, the good will is already wearing thin-and business seems relatively slow, with fewer visitors andCup-related sales than expecte
D、Deeply embarrassed by the image of part-empty stadiums besieged by angry ticket hunters, Japanese prime minister ordered an official investigation into the ticket fiasco.Claiming losses of more than $800,000 per game, Korea’s soccer federation even threatened to sueByrom, the official ticket agent, for failing to print and deliver tickets on time.
Japan and Korea both hoped to score big points-at home and abroad-with the WorldCup. Perhaps it was the memories of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the 1988 Seoul Olympics, which were considered turning points in their nations’ development. Mired in a decade-long slump, Japan longs for anything that might shock its economy back to life. Korea, meanwhile, hopes theCup will steady its halting recovery from the 1997Asian financial crisis-and help brand it asAsia’s most wired nation. Their plan: inject billions of dollars into new facilities, welcome throngs of tourists and for one glorious month showcase their countries to the biggest television audience in world history.
Korea, meanwhile, hopes theCup will steady its halting recovery from the 1997Asian financial crisis-and help brand it asAsia-s most wired nation.
试题答案:而韩国则希望世界杯能使其经济稳步地从1997年动荡不安的亚洲金融危机中恢复过来,并有助于使其成为亚洲最富活力的国家。 答案解析:[解析] wire有多重意思:字面意义为“给……装电线,安装电信线路”等,该词的引申意义也在不断增多。根据上下文,wire在这里可译作“有活力的”。另外,上句还有两个词类转译。形容词steady转译为副词“稳步地”,名词recovery转译为动词“恢复”。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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