
解析:{{B}}Questions 5 to 8 are bas

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{{B}}Questions 5 to 8 are based on the following talk.{{/B}}
A、To discuss medical aid toEnglanD、
B、To arrange effective aid to the island country.
C、To pass on a recent message to the Queen.
D、To work out a plan for mutual defense.


[听力原文]5-8 A year before Pearl Harbor, the American President Roosevelt sent Hopkins to England to arrange effective aid to the island country tired out by its war effort. This visit set in motion the "Lend-lease" plan which was to play such a vital role in the war. Churchill was quick to recognize the importance of the mission of this ambassador, and learnt from him that isolationism was strong in almost every sphere in America and this influence greatly hampered the policy making of the American government. To realize the American desire to aid British, the obstacles put up by the isolationists must be removed first. And to remove the obstacles, American public opinion must be won over first. For this purpose, Churchill invited Hopkins to attend his cabinet meetings. It was the first time in English history for a non-British politician to attend a cabinet meeting. It was an indication of the special relationship between the two countries. Soon afterwards Churchill made his international broadcast which was to have so great an influence on the public opinion in the United States. Churchill had entrusted Hopkins with the task of drafting the speech, and this showed the wisdom of Churchill in his choice as no one knew better than Hopkins the psychology of the American people. He certainly knew what the Americans liked to hear. The broadcast speech was an enormous success, especially that sentence: "Give us the tools and we will finish the job" which became so famous. At the time many Americans doubted the British people’s ability to carry on with the war. "To supply arms to a dying man would not only fail to save him but would court disaster for oneself instead," This skepticism was the protective guard of the stronghold of the isolationists. Churchill’s speech told the Americans what the British lacked in their snuggle was not courage, nor the will to fight on. What they lacked were weapons. With the needed weapons they could win the final victory. The speech itself supplied those Americans opposed to isolationism with the weapon to launch an attack on isolationism. Finally the Lend-lease Act was passed, and war material of every kind, especially military equipment, began to pour into Britain. The English were naturally most pleased with Hopkins’ visit. Also a personal friendship grew up between Churchill and Hopkins. When Hopkins came to England, he was wearing an old hat which he had worn for years. When he was about to return home, he took the hat in his hand and stared at it for quite a while and finally decided to throw it away. When Churchill learnt about this he had a hat specially made with his initials "W.S.C" engraved on it and gave it to Hopkins as a present. Hopkins wore this hat back to the United States. This story of old hat for a new hat got circulated for quite a while. 5: Why did President Roosevelt send Hopkins to England document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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