
解析:For a company that looked doomed a

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【分析解答题】For a company that looked doomed a decade ago, it has been quite a comeback. TodayApple is literally an iconic company. Some of the power of its brand comes from the extraordinary story of a computer company rescued from near-collapse by its co-founder, Steve Jobs, who returned toApple in 1997 after years of exile, reinvented it as a consumer-electronics firm and is now taking it into the billion-unit-a-year mobile-phone industry.But mostlyApple’s zest comes from its reputation for inventiveness. From its first computer in 1977 to the iPhone now, which goes on sale inAmerica this month,Apple has prospered by keeping just ahead of the times. The company, however, is not without its critics. The firm has come under attack for refusing to make its operating-system and music-protection software available to others (a price worth paying,Apple responds, for greater reliability and consistency).And there are grumbles about manufacturing defects and customer service.Apple is hardly alone in the high-tech industry when it comes to duff gadgets and unhelpful call centers, but in other respects it is highly unusual. In particular, it inspires an almost religious fervor among its customers. That is no doubt helped by the fact that its corporate biography is so closely bound up with the mercurial Mr. Jobs, a rare showman in his industry.
试题答案: 答案解析:想想苹果公司在十年前还显得岌岌可危,如今它的经营状况可算是重振雄风。今天的苹果俨然已是一个偶像级企业。其品牌的影响力部分来自这家计算机公司不同寻常的经历:当年它曾濒临倒闭,1997年,苹果的创始人之一,史蒂夫•乔布斯在被逐出公司数年之后,回到公司,挽救企业于危难之中。他将苹果改造成一家消费类电子产品公司,而且开始在年总销售量数十亿台的手机行业里大展宏图。人们对于苹果的热衷很大程度源自于它不断创新的声誉。从1977年它生产出的第一台计算机,到本月在美国上市的iPhone,苹果的事业通过不断领跑于时代而波澜壮阔。 当然,苹果也不乏批评者。它一直拒绝对外开放其操作系统和音乐版权保护软件,为此它饱受非议(苹果对此的回应是,为保证高度的稳定性和一致性,付出这个代价是值得的)。针对它的产品质量和客户服务水平,我们也听到不少抱怨。 在高科技行业,一提到产品的质量和电话中心的服务能力,苹果公司绝不是唯一被指责的企业。而在其他方面,它确实做到鹤立鸡群,特别是它能在用户中激起宗教狂热般的追捧。苹果公司跌宕起伏的发展历程与乔布斯先生这位业界中激情澎湃的作秀高手,两者相互交织,密不可分,这无疑也对苹果用户们的狂热起到推波助澜的作用。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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