
解析:News report: The GeneralAdministra

来源:网考网口译笔译 所有评论

【分析解答题】News report:
The GeneralAdministration of Press and Publication ofChina (GAPP) has recently issued a document, which demands further standardization of language usage. The document bans newspapers, publishers and website-owners from frequently using foreign abbreviations and acronyms, as well as the mix ofEnglish andChinese. It forbids excessive use of slang and buzzwords, and non-standard spellings and grammatical order of foreign terms.
Topic: Preserving the Purity of theChinese Language
Questions for Reference:
1. Some hold that language interweaving is becoming very common in the age of globalization, so this ban will undoubtedly trigger people’s dissatisfaction. What do you think of this view
2. Others hold that, as languages of all countries and regions have been imposing influence on one another since ancient times, so language purity has never existed in human history.Do you agree with this view Why or why not
3. What is the significance of preserving the purity of theChinese language What can we do to preserve the purity and standardization ofChinese

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