
解析:David Moore taught physics at theCi

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【单选题】David Moore taught physics at theCity School. He needed some expensive books, and so he bought them. He left them in his car in a quiet street. Then he bought other things at other shops.At six o’clock he came back to the car. One window was open—and the books were not there!David drove home to Fry RoaD、
That night he wrote a letter to a newspaper. The next day he went to the police. On Friday people read this in the newspaper:
BOOK: Have you any old books I buy old and modern books.
Open all day on Saturdays.David Moore, 26 Fry RoaD、
David stayed at home on Saturday. His first visitor came at eight o’clock.David took him to the kitchen.At half past nine another man arriveD、He had a bag under his arm.
"Mr. Moore " the man askeD、
"That’s right. "David saiD、"Can I help you "
"I’ve got some good book. You buy books, don’t you "
"Yes.Bring them in. I’ll have a look at them. "
Soon the books were on the dining-table. "Come in now,"David called," and bring the list. "

A、policeman came into the dining-room. He read the names on the list in his hanD、They were the same.
"Come with me , sir , "the policeman said to the man.
Why did Mr. Moore write the letter to the newspaper

A、He hope more people would know he had lost some expensive books.
B、He thought in this way the thief (贼) would bring the books back to him.
C、He wanted to buy old and modern books.
D、He wanted to tell the police he had lost some expensive books.

大卫写信给报纸并非刊登遗失启事,也并非真想求购书,更不是报警,而是设计找回丢失的书,选项B表达了此意,是正确答案。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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