
解析:ChristopherColumbus was the son of

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【单选题】ChristopherColumbus was the son of a weaver. He was very interested in the discovery of new lands. His brotherBartholomew was a chart maker in Lisbon, Portugal.Columbus studied chart making with his brother. He believed that the world was round, and he wanted to travel the seas to prove it.
At that time, spice merchants were looking for a new route toAsiA、Asia was a large trading area, but it was very difficult to reach by lanD、Columbus requested support from many people to help him travel the seas. Finally, Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain granted his request, and gave him three ships for his voyage.
OnAugust 3, 1492,Columbus and ninety men set sail on the Santa Maria along with two other ships, the Nina and the PintA、The voyage was hard and many men were sick and tireD、On October 11, at ten o’clock at night,Columbus saw a light. The Pinta sailed ahead and reported that they had reached lanD、SinceColumbus thought they had reached India, they expected to see people that were Indians.Even when they found out that they were not inAsia, they were happy to have found a new place that they could trade with.Columbus named the area where they landed "San Salvador", and claimed the area for Spain.
TodayColumbusDay is celebrated in the United States on the second Monday in October.Banks and government offices are closed to honor the man who was the firstEuropean to have discovered the New World of theAmericas.
Who do you think most influencedColumbus’ interest in exploring
[A] The Queen and King of Spain.
[B] The Indians.
[C] His brother.
[D] His father.

[名师精解] 题干问:你认为谁对哥伦布的探索影响最大 答案在第一段。他的哥哥是海图的制图员,哥伦布跟他学习,因此受到他的影响。西班牙国王和王后只是给了他支持。 [解题秘籍] 此题还可用排除法把文中没有提及的选项排除掉。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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