
解析:In colonial days, huge flo

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In colonial days, huge flocks of snowy egrets inhabited coastal wetlands and marshes of the southeastern United States. In the 1800s, when fashion dictated fancy hats adorned with feathers, egrets and other birds were hunted for their plumage.By the late 1800s, egrets were almost extinct. In 1886 the newly formedAudubon Society began a press campaign to shame feather wearers and end the terrible folly. The campaign caught on, and gradually, attitudes changed and new laws followeD、
Florida and Texas were the first states to pass laws protecting such birds. Then, in 1900, the United StatesCongress passed the LaceyAct, forbidding interstate commerce to deal in illegally killed wildlife, making it more difficult for hunters to sell their kill. Since then, numerous wildlife refuges have been established to protect the birds’ feeding habitats. With millions of people visiting these refuges and seeing the birds in their natural locales, attitudes have changed significantly. Today the thought of hunting these birds would be abhorrent to most people, even if official protection were removeD、Thus protected, egret populations were able to recover substantially. In the mean time, the LaceyAct has become the most important piece of legislation protecting wildlife from illegal killing or smuggling.
Congress took another major step when it passed a series of acts to protect endangered species. The most comprehensive and recent of these acts is theEndangered SpeciesActESA、of 1973 (reauthorized in 1988).An endangered species is a species that has been reduced to the point where it is in imminent danger of becoming extinct if protection is not provideD、The act also provides for the protection of threatened species, which are judged to be in jeopardy but not on the brink of extinction. When a species is officially recognized as being either endangered or threatened, the law specifies substantial fines for killing, trapping, uprooting (plants), or engaging in commerce in the species or its parts. The legislation forbidding commerce includes wildlife threatened with extinction anywhere in the worlD、
TheESA、requires the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), under theDepartment of the interior, to draft recovery plans for protected species. Habitats must be mapped and a program for the preservation and management of critical habitats must be designed, such that the species can rebuild its population.
Some critics of theESA、believe that the act does not go far enough.A、major shortcoming is that protection is not provided until a species is officially listed as endangered or threatened by the USFWS and a recovery plan is establisheD、Species usually will not make the list until their populations have become dangerously low. Over the past years, the USFWS has been working intensely on listing species and developing recovery plans for them. One of the species recently removed from the list, and an amazing recovery story, is that of theAmerican peregrine falcon. The bald eagle also is scheduled to be removed from the list soon.
Both the peregrine falcon and the bald eagle were driven to extremely low numbers because of the use ofDDT as a pesticide from the 1940s through the 1960s.Carried up to these predators through the food chain,DDT caused a serious thinning of the birds’ eggshells that led to nesting failures in the two species and in numerous other predatory birds.By 1975 a survey indicated that there were only 324 pairs of nesting peregrines in NorthAmericA、DDT use was banned in both the United States andCanada in the early 1970s and the stage was set for recovery of the birD、Working with several nonprofit captive-breeding institutions such as the Peregrine Fund, the USFWS sponsored efforts that resulted in the release of

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