
解析:What does the speaker think of the

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【单选题】What does the speaker think of the movement to the suburbs
A、People may miss the cultural life in cities.
B.The movement is still developing.
C.It satisfies man’s need to live and work in an ideal environment.
D.People may like the companionship in suburbs.


态度观点。题干:作者怎么看待向郊区的迁移 根据原文“Some people may be tired of spending long hours commuting,and they may have begun to miss the advantages of culture and companionship provided by city life.”,译文为:一些人会厌倦长时间的通勤,他们开始想念城市生活中的文化优势以及伙伴关系。所以选a。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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