
解析:{{B}}Directions:{{/B}} In this par

来源:网考网口译笔译 所有评论

{{B}}Directions:{{/B}} In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages inEnglish. You will hear the passages {{B}}ONLY ONC
E、{{/B}}After you have heard each passage, translate it intoChinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your {{B}}ANSWERBOOKLET.{{/B}} You may take notes while you are listening.

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试题答案: 答案解析:文化冲击可称为突然移居到国外的人们的一种职业病。像大多数疾病一样,它也有其自身症状。文化冲击是人们因失去了社交活动中原本熟悉的标志和信号而引起的焦虑所造成的。这些标志与信号包括了我们所熟悉的日常生活中的方方面面。比如说:遇到别人时何时握手,该说些什么;何时给小费,如何给;如何购物;何时可以接受邀请,何时该谢绝;何时应认真对待别人的话,何时不要当真。 [听力原文] Culture shock might be called an occupational disease of people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad. Like most diseases, it has its own symptoms. Culture shock is caused by the anxiety that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse. Those signs or cues include the thousand and one ways with which we are familiar in the situation of daily life. Such as when to shake hands and what to say when we meet people, when and how to give tips, how to go shopping, when to accept and when to refuse invitation, when to take statements seriously and when not. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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