
解析:Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1

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【单选题】Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880 in Tuscumbia,Alabama toCaptainArthur and Kate Keller. Helen was healthy until the age of nineteen months when she developed a brain fever that may have been scarlet fever. The fever left her unable to hear, see or speak.Captain Keller was a newspaper editor and was determined to find help for his chil
D、He contactedDr.Alexander GrahamBell to assist him.Dr.Bell found MichaelAnagnos, the director of the Perkins Institution for the blind inBoston, Massachusetts. Mr.Anagnos sent one of his best students,Annie Sullivan to help Helen.
The students at the Perkins Institution made a doll forAnnie Sullivan to give Helen. Ms. Sullivan began using the doll to spell the word doll in Helen’s han
D、Helen learned quickly to make the letters. Helen learned many words and soon wanted to learn to speak. Miss Sarah Fuller of the Horace Mann School was her first speech teacher. Helen learned to use the raised print for reading and soon wanted to go on to college. Helen graduated from RadcliffeCollege with honors in 1904.Annie Sullivan spelled books and lectures in Helen’s hand all through college.
Helen Keller spent the rest of her life trying to make it easier for disabled people to learn. She fought for women’s rights, equality for minorities and worker’s rights. She was a crusader for people who needed help. Helen Keller won many awards for her work for the blin
D、Helen Keller died on June 1, 1968, a few weeks short of her 88th birthday. She will be remembered by the world as a champion and hero of the blind and disabled people.
Who came to help Helen from the Perkins Institution
[A]Captain Keller.
[B] Mr.Anagnos.
[C]Annie Sullivan.

[名师精解] 这道题容易混淆,答案在第一段最后一句:Dr. Bell found Michel Anagnos, the director of the Perkins Institution for the blind in Boston,Massachusetts. Mr. Anagnos sent one of his best students,Annie Sullivan to help Helen. Bell 医生找到麻省波士顿Perkins盲人研究所的所长Michael Anagnos,然后所长Anagnos先生又派他最好的学生Annie Sullivan 去帮助海伦。 [解题秘籍] 解题时,考生可通过Perkins 这个词准确找到信息的出处。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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