
解析:Schools in Maryland used to raise f

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【判断题】Schools in Maryland used to raise fund for construction and renovation by selling bonds.

[听力原文] Faced with a problem that could break the budget, Maryland is joining a growing number of states by looking for private partners to help improve school facilities. A law that took effect July 1 allows Maryland’s school systems to fund school construction and renovation projects using alternatives to traditional financing, which usually comes from the sale of bonds by public agencies to banks and investors. [分析] 特定信息的找寻和判断。 根据题干中提供的特定信息Maryland, school和construction and renovation,找到原文相关处,可知“A law...allows Maryland’s school systems to fund school construction and renovation projects using alternatives to traditional financing, which usually comes from the sale of bonds...”即“该法规允许马里兰州的学校使用非传统的方式解决其用于校舍建设和翻新的资金,比如可以出售债券”,由此可见,该题的说法是正确的。 [解题关键] 搞清句子成分有助于解题,如原句说到解决资金使用非传统手段时,使用了which引导的非限定性定语从句,具体说明了bonds这一形式。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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