
解析:A、major source of anxiety about th

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A、major source of anxiety about the future of the family is rooted not so much in reality as in the tension between the idealized expectation in the culture and the reality itself. Nostalgia for a lost family tradition, which, in fact, never existed, has prejudiced our understanding of the conditions of families in contemporary society. Thus, the current anxiety over the fate of the family reflects not only problems in the family but also a variety of fears about other social problems that are eventually projected onto the family.
The real problems facingAmerican families today are not symptoms of breakdown as is often suggested; rather, they reflect the difficulties of adaptation to recent social changes, particularly to the loss of diversity in household membership, to the reduction of the variety of family functions and, to some extent, to the weakening of the family adaptability. The idealization of the family as a refuge from the world and the myth that the work of mothers is harmful has added considerable strain. The continuous emphasis on the family as a universal private retreat and as an emotional haven is misguided in light of historical experience.

A、major source of anxiety about the future of the family is rooted not so much in reality as in the tension between the idealized expectation in the culture and the reality itself.
试题答案:人们对家庭的未来感到忧心忡忡,其根本原因与其说是根植于现实,不如说是对文化的理想化期望与现实本身的冲突。 答案解析:[解析] not so much... as意为“与其……不如”,其语义功能与less... than,more... than等结构相同。如: The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it. 与其说海洋分隔了世界,不如说海洋连接了世界。 词类转性在现代英语中是构成新词的重要方法之一。植物名词活用作动词,很容易使人联想到其外部特征、颜色、性能或其相应的寓意、背景,产生惟妙惟肖的效果,汉译时则大多采取意译或转译等。 Bill Gates dropped school to branch out on his own. 比尔·盖茨为了独立 发展 ,从学校退了学。(branch out长出枝条→扩大活动范围) His talk branched off from the topic. 他的谈话 跑题 了。(branch off,分叉→岔开) I leafed through the catalog and found nothing interesting. 我 翻了翻 目录,没看到什么有趣的东西。(leaf叶片→翻书页) Correct decisions stem from correct judgments. 正确的决策 来自 正确的判断。(stem干,梗,茎→源于,起因于) Fear rooted him to the ground. 他吓得 呆若木鸡 。(root生根→扎根,固定) His talent flowered in his twenties. 他在20来岁就 显露出才华 。(flower开花→发展,兴旺) The Internet has mushroomed throughout these years. 近年来,因特网如 雨后春笋 般发展起来。(mushroom蘑菇→发展) The dog treed the cat. 狗把猫 撵上了树 。(tree树木→驱使上树) The country was wooded everywhere except at the bottom of the valley to the northward. 除了通向北部的山谷外,整个地区都被森林 覆盖 着。(wood森林→覆盖,植林) Jane is blossoming out into a beautiful girl. 简正在 成长 为一个漂亮的女孩。(blossom开花→发展,成长) document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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