
解析:{{B}}Questions 1 to 5 are ba

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{{B}}Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following conversation.{{/B}}
A、From 6 am to 6 pm.
B、From 9 am to 9 pm.
C、From 6 am to midnight.
D、All day.


[听力原文]1-5 W: Hello, Andrew, I believe you want to know about visiting hours M: Yes, I do, Mrs. Lam. I have to fill out this form, and I’d like to have some idea why the different parts of the hospital have different times for visiting. W: I see, well, let’s start with an obvious one. Intensive Care. People in intensive care are very sick indeed, and for that reason we say that visitors can come between 6 am and midnight. M: I can understand that. W: At the other end of the scale, our maternity patients are usually quite well, but we restrict their visiting hours from 8 am to 8 pm. We find they get very tired if we permit visitors all the time. M: I see, what about the surgical wards W: The doctors prefer to do their rounds early in surgical, so visiting hours are 9 am to 9 pm. Surgical patients are often on very heavy painkillers, and they aren’t really very good company for their visitors! M: But surely the visitors come to cheer up the patient, not the other way round W: Of course. And often the visitors are able to help the patient a lot. That’s why we allow visitors all day, the full 24 hours, in the emergency ward. They help comfort the patient while they’re waiting to be diagnosed. Of course, it’s not just everyone who can visit a sick patient. People in intensive care can only be visited by their immediate family. What’s more, we only allow two people in at any time. We let children of the immediate family in to visit people in intensive care, but we don’t like to do it. It’s very hard on the children, an it may distress the patient. However, if the patient asks for the child, and the family agrees, that’s okay. M: What about children in maternity W: Of course we let them in! They’re very pleased to see their mothers. The rule in maternity is everyone may visit, up to six people at a time. The maternity ward is quite sociable, after all. M: The surgical ward must be different. W: It is indeed. We don’t allow children in the surgical ward because of the danger of infection, and as you know we restrict the hours. There are a lot of procedures which must be carried out on surgical patients, and we only let two visitors come in at a time. M: And in Emergency, people are allowed to visit all the time W: Oh, yes, we rely on patients’ relatives to be there for them, and we permit everyone to visit the emergency department at all hours. However, we restrict it to three visitors for each patient. Otherwise the room just gets totally crowded. W: Now I have your schedule for the next week’s observation sessions, are you ready M: Yes. Where do I start W: On Monday you will be in male surgical in the morning, and in female surgical in the afternoon. You’ll be following Dr. Shay on her rounds. M: Thank you. And on Tuesday W: On Tuesday you will be with Dr. Thomas in the morning and Dr. Robertson in the afternoon. No, that can’t be right.., you are with Dr. Thomas in the afternoon and Dr. Robertson in the morning. M: Do I ever get to see Dr. Kim W: Yes, you will be with Dr. Kim on Thursday and Friday. She’ 11 take you through the children’s ward and through our new teenage ward for 12 to 15 year olds. M: Great! I’ve read a lot about that new ward. Will I see the school room W: Maybe another time. 1: When can visitors come to Intensive Care document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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