
解析:Questions 19-22 About the constru

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【单选题】Questions 19-22 About the construction of the zoo.
B.About the lay-out of the zoo.
C.About the function of the zoo.
D.About the attractiveness of the zoo.


[听力原文]19-22 WOMAN: Well, it’s pretty well laid out, I admit, and it’s sort of attractive, but in the end I still fred it a pretty depressing place. MAN: Do you Why WOMAN: Well, you know, the animals are out of their natural environment. They’re just here for humans to look at. There’s nothing natural about it. MAN: Yeah, but, if we didn’t have any zoos, a lot of species would just, well, they’d face extinction. WOMAN: Do you really believe that MAN: Well, don’t you I mean they have good breeding projects for some species that are dying out. Um, anyway, I think, there’s a trend towards developing zoos to become um... education centers, you know, stimulating information for kids and displays, and that kind of thing. WOMAN: Yeah, I know they’ve got lots of ideas, but these ideas are just because in the end, zoos axe outdated, aren’t they Animals just don’t really want to breed in captivity. What we need to do is to take care of the natural environment, make sure that they’ve still got a place where they can live in the wild. MAN: Well, yeah, OK. But it’s just not happening, is it I think in reality you’ve got to have zoos. WOMAN: Well, I just can’t agree with that. I mean, what is the pleasure in watching animals pacing uP and down in cages MAN: Well, look, I mean, zoos are changing. OK. Some older zoos put animals in cages, but what about safari parks You know, the animals are fine there. They’ve got a lot of Space and people see them in a much more natural setting. Um... I think people learn about them and they learn to respect animals. It’s probably, in the end, much better for animals that humans respect them in that way. WOMAN: Well, maybe you’re right. Question No. 19: What are the man and woman talking about document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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