
解析:President George W.Bush 布什总统 Geor

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【单选题】President George W.Bush
George W.Bush is the 43rd President of the United States. He was sworn into office on January 20, 2001, re-elected on November 2, 2004, and sworn in for a second term on January 20, 2005. Prior to his Presidency, PresidentBush served for 6 years as the 46th Governor of the State of Texas, where he earned a reputation for bipartisanship and as a compassionate conservative who shaped public policy based on the principles of limited government, personal responsibility, strong families, and local control.
PresidentBush was born on July 6, 1946, in New Haven,Connecticut, and grew up in Midland and Houston, Texas. He received a bachelor’s degree in history from Yale University in 1968, and then served as an F-102 fighter pilot in the TexasAir National Guar
D、PresidentBush received a Master ofBusinessAdministration from HarvardBusiness School in 1975. Following graduation, he moved back to Midland and began a career in the energy business.After working on his father’s successful 1988 Presidential campaign, PresidentBush assembled the group of partners who purchased the Texas Rangers baseball franchise in 1989.On November 8, 1994, PresidentBush was elected Governor of Texas. He became the first Governor in Texas history to be elected to consecutive 4-year terms when he was re-elected on November 3,1998.
Since becoming President of the United States in 2001, PresidentBush has worked with theCongress to create an ownership society and build a future of security, prosperity, and opportunity for allAmericans. He signed into law tax relief that helps workers keep more of their hard-earned money, as well as the most comprehensive education reforms in a generation, the NoChild LeftBehindAct of 2001. This legislation is ushering in a new era of accountability, flexibility, local control, and more choices for parents, affirming our Nation’s fundamental belief in the promise of every chil
D、PresidentBush has also worked to improve healthcare and modernize Medicare, providing the first-ever prescription drug benefit for seniors; increase homeownership, especially among minorities; conserve our environment; and increase military strength, pay, and benefits.Because PresidentBush believes the strength ofAmerica lies in the hearts and souls of our citizens, he has supported programs that encourage individuals to help their neighbors in nee
On the morning of September 11,2001, terrorists attacked our Nation. Since then, PreaidentBush has taken unprecedented steps to protect our homeland and create a world free from terror. He is grateful for the service and sacrifice of our brave men and women in uniform and their families. The President is confident that by helping build free and prosperous societies, our Nation and our friends and allies will succeed in makingAmerica more secure and the world more peaceful.
PresidentBush is married to Laura WelchBush, a former teacher and librarian, and they have twin daughters,Barbara and JennA.TheBush family also includes two dogs,Barney and MissBeazley, and a cat, Willie.
George W.Bush firmly believes that the strength ofAmerica lies in______.
A.the US armed forces B.the struggle against terrorism
C.the wealth of the United States
D、theAmerican people

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