
解析:A、 A、It will automatically rate th

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A、It will automatically rate the TV shows so as to protect children from sex and violence.
B、It will block out the offensive parts in a TV show.
C、It will enrich people’s life by offering a variety of TV programs.
D、It aims to help parents to have a better control on what children should watch on TV.


[听力原文]11-15 Woman: The president got what he wanted out of the television industry last week... a pledge to develop the rating system in America based on which the electronic V-chips could automatically block sex and violence from individual home screens... at least in the hours children are watching. Clearly the industry was responding to pressure from the government and a disgusted if somewhat hypocritical public. And even the president conceded that the rating/V-chip combo would not itself end the trashy tidal waves sweeping American society or American culture. It’s only a panacea if you promise a panacea, but it will help. Newsweek television editor Rick Matin looked into the debate over TV ratings and the V-chip, and he’s with us now. Rick. Thanks for being with us again. We hear the ratings won’t cover news or sports, but what about raunchy news magazine’s... talk shows Man: That’s unclear. I think talk shows would fall under the category of entertainment. Ummm... I’m not sure whether a current affair, hard copy, the trashy news stories would be considered news or entertainment... since often they have neither news nor entertainment in them. Uh... the focus of it is... is just that bread-and-butter programming of television... the TV shows, the prime-time series, and also movies that TV picks up from Hollywood. Woman: Will the ratings and V-chip combination block out whole shows, or just offensive parts Man: They’ll block out the whole show. Umm... so you could presumably program your TV to just pick up shows that were either G or PG rated, and you could lock it and unlock it as you wanted... so when your kids are watching they couldn’t see anything except wholesome stuff, and then when you’re ready to sit down and watch all by yourself, you may flip a button and then you could watch NYPD Blue or whatever you want. Woman: Some researchers last week reported that adult ratings actually attract young audiences, but isn’t that exactly what the V-chip is supposed to counteract Man: Yeah, the problem is that the V-chip technology is going to take a while to penetrate the culture... If you buy a new set, you’ve got one; but if you stick with your old set for another ten years, you’re not going to have one... so before you have the V-chip, you’re going to have this rating system. And yes, studies have shown that, you know, as any of us who were kids remember, that if you put a forbidden fruit label on something, that just makes us want it even more. There was one study where some kid said the cooler the movie, the higher the rating. Woman: But Canada is already experimenting with some form of this. What are the results there so far Man: The Canadian results have been encouraging for people who want this kind of stuff. They did an experiment with 250 families in four cities in Canada, and all the families that tried it out loved it. It was a very elaborate system built into the cable boxes, and it was very successful. That said... we’ve got to remember that the Canadians are... have always loved violence less than Americans and regulation less than Americans. So who knows if it’ll take here as well as it has there. Question No. 11: What’s the main function of electronic V-chip document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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