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【分析解答题】1840年以前,中国总以为自己是天朝上国,那么文明,好得不得了,所有的“蛮夷”都是野蛮得不得了,所以,他们都是落后的。这种心态经过鸦片战争(the Opium War),中国打了败仗,就完全改变了。中国有一批人开始觉悟了,他们在思考中国为什么打败仗呢,是中国的船、炮不行,洋人则船坚炮利。所以,最早一批思想比较开明、比较清醒的人,就提出来要学西方的这个长处。他们提出一个有名的口号,叫做“师夷之长技以制夷”。他们知道中国不能闭关自守,不能总是保守自己的一套传统旧东西,要学一点外来的新东西。
试题答案: 答案解析:Before 1840, China conceived itself as a dynasty in paradise which was excellently civilized. All the people outside China were believed to be nothing but barbarians who lived in extremely primitive state. This mentality was completely shattered by China’s shameful defeat in the Opium War. A group of Chinese started to wake up (disillusion) and draw a lesson from China’s defeat. They concluded that China’s defeat was due to the fact that its vulnerable battleships and toy-like cannons were no match for foreigners’ armored battleship equipped with lethal cannons. So the earliest group of liberal-minded Chinese soberly suggested that China learn from westerners’ strengths. A famous slogan best summarized their idea, "To contain foreigners’ aggression, learn from them first". They knew clearly that China should no longer close its doors and detach itself from the outside world. China should open itself to the new knowledge from the outside instead of locking itself in the old traditions. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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