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试题答案: 答案解析:世界卫生组织今天对烟草行业进行谴责,称其每年持续使用清淡、环保、清新、清爽或温和等标签误导消费者,以鼓励数百万人养成吸烟的致命习惯。今年世界无烟日的主题是“任何形式或伪装的烟草均为致命”,提醒人们注意烟草行业的谎言以及多种致命烟草产品的存在。 2006年世界无烟日旨在戳穿骗局,揭示出烟草产品背后的真相。任何形式的烟草产品都会致命,无论是卷烟、烟斗还是嚼烟。世卫组织强调:烟草行业使用误导性的产品描述和生产方法并不会使烟草产品更为安全。 [听力原文] The World Health Organization today accused the tobacco industry of continuing to use misleading labels such as light, clean, fresh, cool or mild in order to encourage millions of people to take up the deadly habit of smoking each year. The theme of this year’s World No Tobacco Day, "Tobacco: deadly in any form or disguise", calls attention to the tobacco industry’s lies and to the existence of a great variety of deadly tobacco products. The purpose of World No Tobacco Day is to remove the deceit and unveil the truth behind tobacco products. Tobacco products are deadly in any form, whether it be cigarettes, pipes, chewing tobacco. WHO emphasized that the industry’s use of misleading descriptors and manufacturing methods do not make tobacco products safer. document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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