

来源:网考网口译笔译 所有评论


The early expansion of the sugar industry was based on cane transported from two different parts of the Orient, first from India and second from the islands of the Southwest PacifiC、From India, sugar cane was carried through the western regions ofAsia intoArabia and later into the countries bordering on the Mediterranean. It was established in Sicily in aboutA、D、703 and was carried to Spain in aboutA、D、755.As early asA、D、1,150, Spain had at least 75,000 acres of cane.During this early period sugar cane was grown largely to supply local wants. TheCrusades were partly responsible for the further expansion and improvement of the sugar industry and for interestingEuropeans in the use of sugar.
From this passage, it appears that sugar cane was first grown in ______.A.Europe

B、the Orient


[分析] 细节题型 见第一句:The early expansion of the sugar industry was based on cane transported from two different parts of the Orient, first from India and second from the islands of the Southwest Pacific.(早期的糖业发展是以甘蔗的运输为基础的,甘蔗的运输是从东方的两个不同地点——一个是印度,另一个是西南太平洋的岛国开始的。)因此答案为B。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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