
解析:During the term of thisContract, al

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【分析解答题】During the term of thisContract, all technical documentation, including but not limited to manufacturing technologies, procedures, methods, formulas, data, techniques and know-how, to be provided by one Party to the other shall be treated by the recipient as "Confidential Information".Each Party agrees to useConfidential Information received from the other Party only for the purpose contemplated by thisContract and for no other purposes.Confidential Information provided is not to be reproduced in any form except as required to accomplish the intent of, and in accordance with the terms of, thisContract. Title to such information and the interest related thereto shall remain with the provider all the time.
Each Party shall provide the same care to avoid disclosure or unauthorized use of the other Party’sConfidential Information as it provides to protect its own similar proprietary information.Confidential Information must be kept by the recipient in a secure place with access limited to only such Party’s employees or agents who need to know such information for the purposes of thisContract and who have similarly agreed to keep such information confidential pursuant to a written confidentiality agreement which reflects the terms hereof. The obligations of confidentiality pursuant to thisArticle shall survive the termination or expiration of thisContract for a period of five years.
Each Party agrees to useConfidential Information received from the other Party only for the purpose contemplated by thisContract and for no other purposes.
试题答案:各方同意仅为本合同预期的目的而不是其他目的使用从另一方得到的机密信息。 答案解析:[解析] Each Party(主语)agrees to use(谓语动词)sth.(宾语)...for(状语)...for (no)(状语)…,宾语含一后置定语(received from the other Party)和两个原因状语,且其中一个原因状语又另含一后置定语(contemplated by this Contract),因此译文在句式的处理上考生还应谨慎对待。原文状语位于句末,参考译文则置于主句谓语之前,宾语的定语也前置。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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