
解析:The task of writing a history of ou

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【分析解答题】The task of writing a history of our nation from Rome’s earliest days fills me, I confess, with some misgivings and even were I confident in the value of my work, I should hesitate to say so. I am aware that for historians to make extravagant claims is, and always has been, all too common:Every writer on history tends to look down his nose at his less cultivated predecessors, happily persuaded that he will better them in point of style, or bring new facts to light.Countless others have written on this theme and it may be that I shall pass unnoticed amongst them; if so, I must comfort myself with the greatness and splendor of my rivals, whose work will rob my own of recognition.
My task, moreover, is an immensely laborious one. I shall have to go back more than 700 years, and trace my story from its small beginnings up to these recent times when its ramifications are so vast that any adequate treatment is hardly possible. I shall find antiquity a rewarding study. If only, because while I am absorbed in it, I shall be able to turn my eyes from the troubles, which for so long have tormented the modern world, and to write without any of that over anxious consideration, which may well plague a writer in contemporary life, even if it does not lead him to conceal the truth.
Countless others have written on this theme and it may be that I shall pass unnoticed amongst them; if so, I must comfort myself with the greatness and splendor of my rivals, whose work will rob my own of recognition.
试题答案:有关(这个民族历史)的著作汗牛充栋,我的著作很可能无人在意。倘若如此,那只能是因为对手卓而超群,才华横溢,和他们的大作比起来我不足挂齿,所以我只能聊以自慰。 答案解析:[解析] 前半句如直译,即“无数其他人就这个专题写了(著作)”,这里的汉语译文则把原文中短缺的宾语提到主语位置,把修饰主语others的形容词countless干脆转译为汉语的“汗牛充栋”(其比喻意象有别于英语的countless,传递的意思却相当贴近)。后半句中pass unnoticed (或go unnoticed)可译为“默默无闻,不足挂齿”等。请注意该句的主语I和汉语译文的主语“我的著作”也并不对等。 后一条件句含一whose引导的定语从句,译成汉语时可采用顺势断句法。英语右分支结构占优势,头短尾长;汉语左分支结构占优势,头大尾小。译成汉语时,可根据汉语习惯,译成自然语序。如: It is dangerous that you have a smattering of superficial knowledge on a subject. 对任何问题一知半解都是危险的。 It is a matter of common experience that bodies are higher in water than they are in the air.物体在水中比在空气中轻,这是一种大家共有的经验。 In recent years, it has become increasingly popular for large corporations to form their own venture capital subsidiaries or investment vehicles. 近年来,大公司组建了自己的风险资本子公司或投资工具(创立自己的投资手段),这种做法日益普遍。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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