

来源:网考网口译笔译 所有评论

A、It withdrew from theChinese market for failure to meet the profit goal.
B、It cooperated with Shanghai Media Group to provide service forChinese speakers inAmerica
C、It provided material to Shanghai Media Group for aChinese language version of its website.
D、It decided to be an active player inChina in the broadcasting fields.


[听力原文]6-10 Beijing: AOL, the online unit of media giant Time Warner says it has formed a fie-up with China’s number two media company, one of its first such pairings since it withdrew from the Chinese market in 2003. Under their new relationship, the broadband content arm of Shanghai Media Group will provide material for a Chinese language version of AOL com aimed at Chinese speakers in the United States. SMG has been an active player in China in the broadcasting fields. The representatives of the two sides both expressed optimism towards the prospect of their cooperation. Washington: US President George W. Bush unveiled the campaign of scientific research and education as a way to ensure American competitiveness in his State of the Union Address, vowing to "double the federal commitment to the most critical basic research programs in the physical sciences over the next 10 years." The push for more funding comes after years of strong criticism of his administration’s approach to scientific research. The basic complaint is that the Bush White House puts political ideology over science when writing policy or when determining who sits on advisory panels set up to provide expert input into decision making. Tokyo: A new study finds that green tea significantly reduces the risk of death from many causes, including heart disease. The study did not find, however, that green tea has any effect on cancer, as has been previously claimed. The study took place in northeastern Japan, where 80 percent of the population drinks green tea regularly. Researchers looked at more than 40,000 adults and compared those who drank less than one cup of tea a day to those who drank three to five cups a day. They found that over the span of 11 years, those who drank more tea were less likely to die of heart disease. Detroit: General Motors has ended its discussions about a three-way alliance with Nissan and Renault. The car companies announced their decision to terminate talks yesterday. It happened even before the 90-day deadline that the sides had set to study the proposed tie-up. The CEO of General Motors said that their analysis showed benefits of the alliance heavily skewed toward Renault and Nissan, which was unfair to the shareholders of General Motors. GM’s largest individual shareholder, Kirk Corrine, who pushed for the discussions and owns nearly 10% stake in GM, expressed disappointment that the talks had broken off. New Delhi: India and Germany have agreed to deepen their cooperation on energy policy but sidestepped a dispute over a nuclear deal between New Delhi and Washington that Berlin has criticized. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh met with Chancellor Angela Merkel in a northern city ahead of the opening of the Hanover Technology Fair, where guest country India and Germany, the world’s number three economy, hope to boost their rapidly growing trade ties. As a rising economy in Asia, India is in great need of foreign cooperation and investment, especially in technology-intensive fields like energy. Question No. 6: What did AOL do recently in China document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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