
解析:Which of the following places have

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【单选题】Which of the following places have approved gay marriage
A、San Francisco andCaliforni
A、B、California, New Mexico and Oregon. C、California, New Mexico, Oregon and Massachusetts. D、California and New Mexico.

[听力原文] Since the wedding march for gays and lesbians began in San Francisco three weeks ago, officials in California, New Mexico and Oregon have allowed same-sex marriages, Massachusetts has signaled its approval. President Bush has called for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. Lawmakers conservative, and gay-rights groups have all joined a debate that has roiled the nation. [分析] 对信息的推断。 原文中提到California, New Mexico和Oregon允许同性婚姻,而“Massachusetts has signaled its approval”,即“Massachusetts发出同意的信号”,由此可推测,虽然Massachusetts不反对同性婚姻,但还没在法律上正式承认。因此,选项b的说法是正确的。 [解题关键] 掌握主要短语的深层含义,如signaled its approval表示对某事并不反对,但尚未公开承认的状况。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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