
解析:Turkey’sBodrum peninsula is differ

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Turkey’sBodrum peninsula is different. The tourist boom in this part of the world{{U}} (1) {{/U}}turned some small villages into resorts yet left neighbouring beaches undisturbed, making it quite{{U}} (2) {{/U}}southern France or the SpanishCoasts where few stretches of coastline are undevelopeD.
The{{U}} (3) {{/U}}for this happy set of circumstances is simple. For thousands of years, travel here{{U}} (4) {{/U}}easier by boat than by lanD.So when mass tourism arrived in the{{U}} (5) {{/U}}1980s, there was no coast road for ribbon development to follow. So the peninsula, just{{U}} (6) {{/U}}hour fromBodrum airport, has not become one long littoral of resort.
The building{{U}} (7) {{/U}}new hotels has mainly been confined to places easily reached by then relatively{{U}} (8) {{/U}}roads. Such ease of access has made Gumbet, nearBodrum, a busy resort, while the little fishing village of Gumusluk, 12 miles further west and only recently reachable by{{U}} (9) {{/U}}, remains tranquil and undisturbeD.
It’s worth thinking carefully about location when planning a family{{U}} (10) {{/U}}on the peninsulA.Choose a place that is centrally located, preferably out of earshot{{U}} (11) {{/U}}Bodrum town’s "lively"—which means nosy—nightlife, and you can then use{{U}} (12) {{/U}}area’s comfortably small scale to your advantage. Today’s new roads mean most places can{{U}} (13) {{/U}}reached in under an hour by taxi or the ubiquitous dolmus-minibus.
The{{U}} (14) {{/U}}of facilities at the TamariskBeach Hotel near the small village of Ortakent makes{{U}} (15) {{/U}}a good base. The family-run hotel—rooms and suites are in two-storey buildings{{U}} (16) {{/U}}by palm trees and flowers in terracotta pots—sits above its own sandy {{U}} (17) {{/U}} beach, shaded by tamarisk trees and sheltered by nearby islands.
The hotel is{{U}} (18) {{/U}} child-friendly, too.Children, from infants up to young teenagers, can take part in a{{U}} (19) {{/U}} of games and activities that include tuition in windsurfing, dinghy {{U}} (20) {{/U}} catamaran sailing.

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